Hellobee Boards


July TTC 6 Months + Support Thread- Watermelon Bellies and BFPs!

  1. fotolori1

    apricot / 386 posts

    @crystal: Thank you!! I am so nervous! Good luck to you as well!

  2. ctegge0416

    cherry / 159 posts

    @septca: HI! Have a wonderful time at the beach! I second MrsMcD you are missed around here for sure!

    @MrsMcD: I am on CD 6 so waiting for O.. I hate waiting, although it is better than the TWW for me. Those days drive me crazy! Get that BDing on lady!!! Enjoy these next few days before O and I hope that HSG brings a BFP this month!! Did you start clomid?

  3. nicole112

    apricot / 278 posts

    @eabae: I'm so sorry to hear about the witch! Hang in there…treat yourself to something nice!

  4. nicole112

    apricot / 278 posts

    It has been kinda slow around here. I'm excited for the next POASers! FX for all of you!

    Just an update…today is CD 10 for me. I feel like this cycle is taking forever. Seems like everyone is feeling time is going slow. Maybe because it's summer? Who knows… I am not temping this month (first time in a long while) and it feels absolutely wonderful. I do believe it's helping me reduce my stress. I've been working out and eating very healthy *pats back*. I'm proud of myself! DH seems to be less stressed with no BD schedule… just having some hot steamy sex, lmao. We are just going with the flow, trying to be in a NTNP mindset and so far so good!

    I also ordered conceive plus…should come in the mail any day now! And I am adding selenium and zinc to DH's vitamins as I read it may/can help with sperm motility and his was a tad low from his SA. FX!

    What CD is everyone else and how is everyone doing??

  5. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @septca: enjoy the beach love!

    @fotolori1: OMG! So excited for you! Everything is crossed. I am doing very well. Thank you for asking. Spotting ceased yesterday and now is just CCM and cramping is much more mild so I am hoping it was all just implantation.

    @Crystal: good luck with the C+ and the post antibiotics BD sessions! I have a good feeling your body will have a much easier time getting KU without fighting off that bronchitis! I'll be pulling for you!

    @nicole112: @MrsMcD: hang in there ladies! I hope you both get to O soon and it all ends in BFPs!

    @Organicmama: FX on that clomid! I hope it's bringing on the best O of your life followed by a baby sibling for your LO.

  6. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    I typed up a long reply and it disappeared. Agh!

    @nicole112: Cycle twin and love that we have the same approach. I am debating on whether to use conceive plus this month (last month was the first one), because it seems like I am "breaking the rules of NTNP." But I really want a BFP, so I'll probably 'cheat."

    I realized that next month's fertile window will coincide with a trip to visit friends (DH is not going, he has to work). I thought it would work out, but without the progesterone, my cycle is shorter and that's the way the O falls. On the upside, I was debating what to do next month since my due date would be a week after a really important conference I finally got chosen for after trying for 3 years (big deal!). I guess God is working it out for me. Hopefully, I get a BFP this month and then it won't matter.

    In fun news today: I was near ikea, so bought drawer organizers which I needed and hopefully work (my drawers are 7 inches deep), and their big tealights were on clearance. 12 BIG scented tealights for .99- vanilla, apple and berry. Yea! And I bought a kayak (on sale too). What non TTC did you do today?

  7. nicole112

    apricot / 278 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: I was thinking the SAME thing about using Conceive Plus if that counted as "cheating" lmao…well maybe I'll use it if I feel like we want to or not. Idk. Ugh. LoL. And we are def cycle twins…my next fertile period after this month I am going on a big family mini vaca and DH and I are sharing a room with my grandmother and my sister and her DH to help with the cost…totally trying to think of ways we can DTD without being gross with sharing a room with my family members LOL. UGH TTC problems! We will be right on the water at the beach so maybe we will have to get creative! UNLESS I get my bfp this month and we won't have to worry!

    Hmm..a non-ttc thing I did today was I bought some cute summer clothes from Loft…I bought a few things on clearance (love a bargain) and then I saw this adorable skirt that was of course not on sale but had a comfortable waist and I did think (if I was KU I could prob still wear it!) so I bought it.. I love organizers and tea lights and ohh a kayak! Fun!!

  8. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    @Mrsmccarthy: I'm SO glad to hear you're doing well and things are progressing! You had me worried there for a minute! Hope you are taking it easy. Have you told anyone in the family yet?

    Hmmm... let's see... I'm at the end of cd 7. Last day of clomid and no real side effects except what I perceive to be increased CM. And I do kinda wanna get it on with my hubs a bit more. It's not even fertile week yet! I probably won't O til cd 16. Will start using the CB digital opk (per drs orders) on cd 12. (Or 11 if I can't wait that long)

    Today non-TTC related: watched Pearl Jam Twenty about the band for the last 20 years. I sort of idolized Eddie Vedder when I was a teenager so it was butterfly-inducing to watch. Eek!! I googled and found out they are playing at Austin City Limits on our 8th anniversary weekend (Oct 3-5) so I told DH to get to planning! We LOVE road trips

  9. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    I haven't done anything non-TTC related today, but I didn't do anything TTC related either.

    Good question, though! I'll have to plan something fun just for me this weekend.

  10. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @fotolori1: Just wanted to toss in my 2 cents on progesterone. Mine was only about 11 at 10 weeks pregnant and so far everything has been great (25 weeks on Saturday). You're still in the game!

  11. Tam

    grape / 92 posts

    Im out, AF arrived last night.

  12. fotolori1

    apricot / 386 posts

    @mrspanda: that makes me feel so much better!!! I'm so happy for you! Do you know what you are having?

    @tam: I'm so sorry. Stupid witch showed her face!

  13. Tam

    grape / 92 posts

    @fotolori1: Thanks. Really thought this would be the month. I have tried everything i can think of and nothing seems to work. So anoying !!

  14. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    @tam: Sorry about AF It can get so frustrating ttc! We are here for you girl.

  15. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @Tam: Hugs!

  16. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Tam: so sorry! Sending you hugs and love.

  17. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    I have been productive this morning doing some cleaning. I cleaned out my car and purse (both a disaster) a la flylady. I found my mucinex stash. Now I am wondering whether I should resume it. I stopped once I started using preseed or conceive plus. It is cheating on the NTNP, but finding it on CD 11 (first day of FW since I usually O CD15) might be a sign from God.

  18. HolisticMama

    persimmon / 1167 posts

    Hi Ladies,

    I know I've been gone for quite sometime now. I think I started getting a little bummed out and started focusing on a lot of non-TTC endeavors.

    We are at Cycle 8. I'm at CD20. (Probably 8DPO). And I've been SO good at not focusing on TTC. Life has been filled with travel, a new boss, fun work, lots of walks....

    But today I just want to sleep and cry at my desk. All at the same time.

    And I wanted to be with friends who understood. And now I am crying at my desk.

    I need to read quite a few back posts to see how everyone is doing.

  19. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Tam: I'm so sorry. Be kind to yourself today.

    @HolisticMama: hi!!! I've missed you! We are here and we can relate.

    @AmeliaBedilia: personally, I wouldn't take it. Maybe in a few months when you're ready to jump back in, but I think a break from all the stressors might do you some good.

  20. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @organicmama: we need more BFP license plates for good mojo.

  21. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    New July BFPs
    MrsMcCarthy, Lil Bean

    July 12: eabae
    July 14: MrsStar, LilyoftheWest, MamaCate, Tam
    July 17: Doxielove
    July 19: LindsayinNY
    Juky 20: GoGoSnoGirl
    July 21: Simply_London
    July 27: Septca; MrsMcD
    July 30: nicolechris11212
    July 31: DC Yoga Bee
    Aug. 01: OrganicMama, ctegge0416
    Aug 02: Crystal
    TBD: Marfi, AmeliaBedilia, PawPrints

  22. HolisticMama

    persimmon / 1167 posts

    CD: 20
    Cycle #:8
    TTC #: 1
    POAS date: 07/18/2014 (If I can't tell AF is on her way)
    Backstory: I spent a year preparing to TTC, even as much as getting fertility testing done, because of past hormone imbalances. Reproductive endocrinologist gave us a 1% chance of conceiving.... before ever TTC.

    July TTC plan/something new you want to try: DH and I downloaded the Glow app- so he knows exactly what is going on with our cycle. After BDing this month- he was the one that handed me the lunaette cup., which was quite possibly the sweetest thing I have ever experienced.
    +3, +1, O

    Silver Linings of not being KU: Lots and lots of wine and craft beer. Cook whatever I want for dinner. Soft cheese. Not caring about how hot the bath is. Fitting into my clothes. Traveling.

  23. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @Crystal: I have been looking for license plates but have only seen one since I mentioned it on here. Will try for a pic as soon as I can!

    @HolisticMama: welcome back! We all have days like you are having and I am so glad you let us know how you are feeling. Hope you can find a way to be gentle with yourself today. Hugs!

  24. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    @holisticmama: Girl I am SOOO on that page today too. I managed to keep the tears in at work but insta-cried as soon as I got on the phone with DH. I can't stand the constant negativity at my office and I honestly don't know if I'll go back next week! Add to that my hubs didn't make any date arrangements for tonight's date night and it was too much to handle. I lost it. I ugly cried. Fortunately I got off the phone with him just as it all went down. *sigggghhhh I don't even drink but tonight I'm strongly considering it!

    So I put on my big girl panties, wiped away my mascara smears, and I'm going for a pre-date mani/pedi. So there! Take THAT hormones!

  25. HolisticMama

    persimmon / 1167 posts

    @organicmama: OOoooh...a mani/pedi sounds nice. I am punching out from working and going to try to take a nap. LOL. And will catch up with you all soon. I still have lots of reading to do, but I have more time! I graduated with my Masters last month!

  26. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @organicmama: mani/pedi is a great idea. Enjoy it! (And date night, ooh la la).

    @MamaCate: I've been looking too, but I only saw one on the freeway and I couldn't get a pic. Boo.

    @HolisticMama: what is the glow app? Congrats on graduating!

    Remember how I had that horrible case of bronchitis? Well, I had to go back in for a checkup today, and they took me off the gym and all physical activity for the next week (maybe 2). DH is concerned about my health and BDing and has been talking about taking a break this month (for the record, I feel fine aside from some coughing issues). Noooooo! I think I'll give him a few days then bring it up again.

  27. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @HolisticMama: Welcome back, and hugs!

    @organicmama: Way to treat yourself, and have a good date!

  28. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @HolisticMama: We missed you!! And congratulations!!!

  29. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    Hi friends! Hope everyone is having a good weekend! I have been popping in to check on you all but trying to distract myself until AF is due or I can test (Monday). In spite of that, I have this constant internal dialogue that goes like this:
    -ooh nips a little sore, maybe I'm pregnant!
    -or maybe it's just from working out in my old sports bra, don't get ahead of yourself
    -oh I'm tired, maybe I'm pregnant!
    -or maybe it's just not sleeping that well...
    Etc etc...sigh...thought you all could relate!

  30. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @MamaCate: Yes!
    The things that make the TWW so difficult: you either have this huge awesome news or a big let down- no in between, and you're powerless, so you spend it overanalyzing everything. Meanwhile, you can't enjoy certain things when most likely, you're giving it up for nothing. I have acne medication I really like, but it can cause birth defects. I gave it up entirely for about 9 months, then was so angry and frustrated since I had acne AND no baby. I decided to use it for the first 2 weeks of my cycle. I still hate not getting to use it after. I have tried other things, but the difference is huge.

    In happier news, DH and I are going kayaking today. I have canoed, but never kayaked. It might be an adventure because we both have small cars and we have to get two kayaks there. DH has a mini cooper, and I hate that car since its small size is constantly interfering with things we (particularly DH) want to do. He now wants a Tesla, which we might get since we will hopefully/eventually need a more baby friendly car, but I cringe at the price tag. Sorry for the diatribe on our car situation.

  31. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @organicmama: things are going well. thanks honey! Really excited for you this cycle!

    @HolisticMama: Congrats on your graduation doll!!

    I am lurking and thinking of all of you!

  32. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    @ameliabedilia: very well put! And so frustrating about the meds. I take zoloft to help curb my pmdd and I went off of it for awhile, expecting to get pg right away. BAD IDEA. I just decided to take it until I have a reason not to! Besides, DH has made me sign in blood that I won't stop taking it without at least warning him.

    @mamacate: be strong!!! Monday is only 2 sleeps away! Lol

  33. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @MamaCate: ugh, I have the same internal dialogue every month- I totally get it!

    @organicmama: @AmeliaBedilia: it's amazing what you do at first expecting to get KU right away. Not anymore! Lol

  34. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @lil bean: congrats!!!

    Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still cheering you on and hoping for lots of BFPs!!

  35. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @HolisticMama: i kept wondering where you were and how you were doing! Nice to hear from you and congrats on the masters!

  36. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    Things are looking up! Look what I saw after scoring a great deal on a few new tops at loft:

  37. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    New July BFPs
    MrsMcCarthy, Lil Bean

    July 12: eabae
    July 14: MrsStar, LilyoftheWest, MamaCate, Tam
    July 17: Doxielove
    July 18: HolisticMama
    July 19: LindsayinNY
    Juky 20: GoGoSnoGirl
    July 21: Simply_London
    July 27: Septca; MrsMcD
    July 30: nicolechris11212
    July 31: DC Yoga Bee
    Aug. 01: OrganicMama, ctegge0416
    Aug 02: Crystal

    TBD: Marfi, AmeliaBedilia, PawPrints

  38. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @fotolori1: I'm feeling so hopeful for this IUI cycle for you!

    @Crystal: Please let me know how the conceive plus is. I am pretty sure I will order some for my next cycle, during which I will be using clomid for the first ime.

    @nicole112: Hi lady! I'm sitting here at CD13 and still no positive OPK! The slowness of time may kill me.... Bahahahah!

    @HolisticMama: I'm glad you are back but sorry you've had to join our little 6+ month club. Have you already explained why your doctor gave you a 1% chance? Sorry if I missed it. What's your TTC game plan? I added you to the POAS list and I'm hoping this is your month so that no plan is needed!

    @organicmama: Sorry you had a rough day too! I'm like you in that I try to save my major meltdowns for when DH isn't around. Doesn't always work, but its nice to try. He gets enough crazy from me on a good day.

    @Crystal: I can't believe you are still sick! Gees!! That's crazy. I hope you are just resting. And if you have to BD, do it doggy style!! But it seems like you are still a few days from O, right?

    @dc yoga bee: I like your new profile picture.

    @MamaCate: I have that same internal dialouge all the time! Just pee quick as soon as you wake up and then you can't POAS!

    @AmeliaBedilia: How was the kayaking? And shit, a Tesla!! Have you ever shared a picture of yourself on here? I am constantly trying to imagine what you look like and you are continually surprising me!

  39. nicole112

    apricot / 278 posts

    @MrsMcD: So slowwww. Idk why!!! Blahhh...

    @MamaCate: Nice picture! DH and I drove to one state over today and driving through the city I didn't quite see a "bfp" but I did see this truck... Haha. Not using bbt this month...hope it's not a sign to go back to it!!

  40. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @Tam: Oh, lady. I'm so sorry I missed your post. So sorry about AF. I hate the feeling of feeling this is the month, and then its not the month. I hope you keep positive and try try again!

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