Hellobee Boards


July TTC 6 Months + Support Thread- Watermelon Bellies and BFPs!

  1. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @nicole112: so sorry to hear about the RE cancellation. but maybe it is for the best if you need to change insurance plans. I am glad the more relaxed approach is working for you and DH! Have fun!

    @organicmama: i will definitely still be your friend and hold fundraisers for your octo-babies!

  2. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    I agree that this month & TWW are creeping along!! I cannot keep myself distracted despite all the tons of things I need to get done lately. All I can think about are babies & peeing on sticks.

  3. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @lilyofthewest: DH wants to get tested as well, did you just make an appointment at the urologist for that? Or is there more involved?

  4. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @nicole112: I'm sorry about the cancellation, but I agree, everything happens for a reason. Sometimes I think I am not pregnant yet because my body knew I was going to be starting a new job soon. Crazy?

  5. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @MaryM: just wanted to jump in and say that I went to a "traditional" RE. I started with the lowest dose of Clomid and was aggressively monitored throughout my usage. I'm not sure how much conservative he could've been?

  6. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    I didn't POAS today, I think my O date is off, making me 8 dpo, not 10. I haven't started spotting yet (which usually happens at 10 dpo). If AF is not here by Sunday I shall test

    ETA - I JUST realized I never did a "formal" check in this month. So here goes:

    CD: 27 (8 dpo??)
    Cycle #: 19
    TTC #: 1
    POAS date: 7/20
    July TTC plan/something new you want to try: I'm trying out completely not giving an F about TTC.
    Silver Linings of not being KU Margaritas. Always, always margaritas.

  7. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @MrsMcD: Are you being monitored on clomid? My obgyn mentioned clomid last year in passing, but I don't think he monitors. Just wondering!

  8. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @swedishfish: My apologies for the misunderstanding. I guess I don't really know that much about what RE's do, but I only know from the perspective of my doctor (who explained she starts out with much less than RE's sometimes do).

    Honestly, I haven't talked too much to her about it yet because the last time it came up, DH and I weren't even trying yet. But once she diagnosed with me PCOS my doctor started operating from the assumption that we could need interventions so she mentioned what she could do very briefly.

    Plus, since it's a religious based non-profit, they operate under the assumption that everyone there is "trying." During one of my long cycles right after we were married they did a pregnancy test just to make sure I wasn't pregnant, and I was shocked with the response from the nurse who was "so sorry" I wasn't pregnant

  9. Marfi

    clementine / 794 posts

    Update: I have been prescribed Prolactin to try and kick start (finish?) this cycle. She is having me tested for PCOS so now I need to wait for that.

  10. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @MaryM: What interventions do they do? I am really curious.

  11. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    Wow! Everyone got chatty over night!

    @MaryM: Thanks for explaining the NatPro. I seriously had never heard of one before.

    @lilyofthewest: Best of luck to you and your guy with his SA!

    @MamaCate: Thanks, lady! As for your use of the term "solo parenting", is that a new term? I was truly raised by a solo parent - my single mom with literally no support from my dad. So I never understand the term "solo parent" when used by a married lady whose husband helps with bills and whatnot. Sorry, I'm lame. Also, don't forget to call your OB today to make an appointment!

    @nicole112: Sorry about your insurance issues. I know for a fact my insurance will not cover an RE. But I was pleasantly surprised to find that my insurance does cover diagnostic testing for infertility, i.e., the HSG. Also, my regular MD and my normal obgyn can prescribe clomid and that is also covered by my insurance. Good luck with whatever you do. In the meantime, if you simply choose to wait until you switch insurance, then October really isn't that far off.

    @organicmama: Oh man! Soreness! But that must totally mean its working. How do you feel about the possibility of multiples? I would totally be with @MamaCate: organizing fundraisers for you!! I keep explaining it to my DH and he is totally excited by the thought! I forget... are you with an RE or your regular gyno?

    @GoGoSnoGirl: Yes, it is such a slow TWW. I also always think about POAS. Every time I pee, and its not on a stick, I think I'm missing out on something.

    @KelLeeLeee: As for getting your husband's SA, my insurance requires me to wait 12 months before I get fertility testing, so my obgyn wouldn't have considered a SA for my husband until that time. But around 10 months, DH went to his normal family doctor and that doctor ordered the SA for him. Side-stepping a little is always okay in my book! Good luck!

    @doxielove: I'm absolutely being monitored in the sense that I am fully under the care of a doctor while taking clomid. However, I do not have any scheduled ultrasounds during my clomid cycle. Yet, my doctor is available to me any time I feel any discomfort or concern. She's just a call and a few miles drive away. Lots of girls on here have had success with this type of monitoring, while other girls vehemently oppose it. What are you considering doing?

    @Marfi: Woo hoo! That sounds like a great start. I hope the prolactin works. When can you start the testing for PCOS?

  12. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    New July BFPs
    MrsMcCarthy, Lil Bean, MrsStar

    July 19: LindsayinNY
    July 20: GoGoSnoGirl, Doxielove
    July 21: Simply_London
    July 27: Septca
    July 28: MrsMcD
    July 29: PawPrints
    July 30: nicolechris11212
    July 31: DC Yoga Bee; Kate6214
    Aug 01: OrganicMama, ctegge0416
    Aug 02: Crystal
    Aug 10: LilyoftheWest
    Aug 11: MaryM; KelLeeLeee
    Aug 14: MamaCate
    Aug 20: doxielove

    TBD: Marfi, AmeliaBedilia, eabae, Tam, fotolori1

  13. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @MrsMcD: @AmeliaBedilia: Since I haven't discussed it at length with my doctor, I can only go by what I've googled. But this seems pretty comprehensive http://www.naprotechnology.com/.

    But it starts with charting and timed intercourse (I can check those off! I've charted for two years, and have been timing DTD since Feb/March).

    I'm not sure if an HSG or clomid would be next, but my doctor has only mentioned clomid. I guess I'll find out more in August or September.

  14. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @MrsMcD: I use the term "solo parent" for when I am primarily the sole caretaker for LO for periods of time. I think of it different than a single parent because I obviously have the emotional and financial support etc from DH, although I just stopped being the sole breadwinner in our relationship too. For example, DH started medical residency this month so he leaves the house at 5:30 and is back at 6:15 if we are lucky. This means I do all morning routine to get me and LO out the door to daycare and work, daycare pickup, dinner, and sometimes start evening routine before DH comes home. So it feels like I am flying solo on most of the daily parenting. Does that make sense?

  15. Marfi

    clementine / 794 posts

    @MrsMcD: I mistyped earlier, too many "p" words, I'm taking Provera. I had blood drawn for tests for FSH, LH, and Prolactin levels. So depending on those results will determine what will happen going forward.

  16. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @MrsMcD: I've seen a few people around the internet use the term "solo parenting" specifically for the reason you mentioned - to differentiate from "single parenting" which is completely different (and obviously much more challenging). So they coined "solo parenting" as a different term to describe times when you have to manage the kids by yourself for a while, while still having the support of a spouse/partner.

  17. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @MamaCate: and @PawPrints: Thanks for the explanations! I guess I just never figured that "solo parenting" was anything remarkable. My DH and I work opposite long schedules so each of us will have significant solo time with our LOs when we have them. Everyone I know has their LO alone for great lengths of the day. I would think it would be remarkable if you have constant help from your DH!! Lucky girls!!

    @Marfi: Wow! You've already had the blood drawn. Hopefully you know something soon. That's exciting! I'm wishing for good things for you.

  18. Mrs. Oyster

    blogger / apricot / 427 posts

    I'll be joining you ladies again....
    I had a miscarriage at 7w1d, last week. After trying for 10 months, to have things end so suddenly just sucks, but I'm feeling like I need to just jump back into things. I was lucky (?) to have an easy natural miscarriage and, although I have no idea how things will work now and I'm terrified to have a repeat experience, I'm hoping things will get back on track physically.

    With that being said....
    Cycle #11
    CD #9 (I guess)
    TTC #2
    No idea about POAS or anything of that sort.

  19. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @Keppa: so sorry to hear about your loss! I had a loss last year and would be glad to talk if you need support. I am glad to hear you feel optimistic about trying again and I hope your sticky baby is right around the corner. Hugs!

  20. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Keppa: oh no, I'm sorry

    @MrsMcD: so do you 'actually' need to be trying for a year? Or could I tell a white lie? Do they require some kind of proof? Haha.

  21. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Keppa: I'm so sorry for your loss... I think a lot of us have experienced that, so we are here for whatever you need. Big, huge hugs.

    Hi, everybody! Sorry for being MIA, work has kept me slammed.

    I'll come back and update on everyone later!

  22. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @MrsMcD: I think that in some families there is more balance between parenting tasks, and in our case I really am the primary parent as the time DH is home, LO is mostly asleep! It is what it is for now but it gets old. This week I am feeling pretty good about it but some days/weeks it gets old.

    Also, I called and scheduled my annual/OB check in for early August so I am glad to be moving forward on that. Between now and then I will need to figure out what I want to ask for, but I mostly want her perspective on where we are and what she thinks we should do to move forward.

  23. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    New July BFPs
    MrsMcCarthy, Lil Bean, MrsStar
    July 19: LindsayinNY
    July 20: GoGoSnoGirl, Doxielove
    July 21: Simply_London
    July 27: Septca
    July 28: MrsMcD
    July 29: PawPrints
    July 30: nicolechris11212
    July 31: DC Yoga Bee; Kate6214
    Aug 01: OrganicMama, ctegge0416
    Aug 02: Crystal
    Aug 10: LilyoftheWest
    Aug 11: MaryM; KelLeeLeee
    Aug 14: MamaCate
    Aug 20: doxielove

    TBD: Marfi, AmeliaBedilia, eabae, Tam, fotolori1, Keppa

  24. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @Keppa: I'm so sorry about your miscarriage. I'm also hoping things get back on track for you soon. I've added you to the list under "TBD". I'm glad to have you back in our fold, but I hope you don't have to stay long here.

    @KelLeeLeee: I think I got blasted on GOMI once for suggesting you tell your doctor you've been trying less than a year. But no, the doctors don't require proof. Hahah. What kind of proof could be provided to confirm your sexual activity!? I'd love to think of all the possibilities. For what is worth, I think its okay to wait a year unless age is going against you. You never know what could happen!

    @Crystal: I hope you are feeling better!

    @MamaCate: I bet it does get tough to care for your LO solo most of the time. Do you work, or are you are SAHM? That's makes it tougher I imagine. But, I don't really know as I don't have a LO yet! I'm glad you got an appointment for early August. That's great!

  25. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @Keppa: I'm so sorry for your loss. I miscarried at 6w3d a couple months ago, also through a "lucky" natural miscarriage. I felt the same way about wanting to jump back into TTC - for me it was partly a coping mechanism, and it did help, even though obviously it hasn't resulted in pregnancy yet. Good luck on your cycle regulating soon.

  26. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @MrsMcD: I work FT as a social worker/therapist with kids involved with cps. I supported our little family for the last 4 years so DH could finish med school. I am hoping to drop to 30 hours in a few months now that we have two incomes. My job is stressful but meaningful and I am thankful that I can control my schedule so I can have some work/life balance. I think you can make it work whatever your situation. What do you and DH do ?

  27. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    Sneaking a peak during training. Eating lots of salads,and fish and going for runs. Miss you girls!

  28. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @Keppa: I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I was about as far along as you when I miscarried earlier this year.

  29. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @Keppa: I'm so sorry for your loss. You aren't alone & I've also found plenty of consolation & support from others here who've been in the same boat. I understand about the drive & nervousness about diving back in. I've heard many success stories of babies born post mc, for what that's worth, too.

  30. Kate6214

    cherry / 245 posts

    @Keppa: I'm so sorry for your loss. I felt the same after my first mc. I wanted to jump right back in.

  31. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @Keppa: Sorry for your loss.

    I've been trying to get rid of clutter. It is amazing how much useless clutter we have. I am working on clothes- socks and underwear. I have so much, but it is hard to get rid of perfectly nice clothes that you just don't wear.

  32. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @KelLeeLeee: Sweetie just went to his doc and said, "My partner said I should ask for a semen analysis because we've been trying for 6 mos without luck". Sweetie's PCP doesn't work with a lab that does them, so, referred to a urologist.

  33. nicole112

    apricot / 278 posts

    @MamaCate: Thanks for your support!!

    @KelLeeLeee: Thanks lady! When it's meant to be it'll be...

    @MrsMcD: Thank you girl! I know, October isn't too far off and maybe my regular obgyn will prescribe me something..but maybe not idk who knows! Just going to keep trying and move forward!!

    @Keppa: I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriage.

  34. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    @keppa: I'm sorry to hear that. That's heartbreaking @pawprints and @Mary too.

    @mrsmcd: aww, you girls would throw a fund raiser for Lil Ole me and my umpteen kiddos?? So sweet!! Lol! I knew I had some good gf's on here! As for multiples, it sounds terrifying to me. Only because I had one and sometimes wondered how I would manage just him as a baby. Omgsh, and those early walking stages almost did me in!! (My heart lived in cardiac arrest). BUT on the other hand I consider that I'm 34 and this will most likely be my last pregnancy... so twins would be more bang for the buck! Insta-huge family! I could dig that, too.

    Question: if I had the +opk on tues a.m., what day do I count as O day? Today? Or yesterday? Both days (cd 13 & 14) are earlier than I ever ovulate... could be the clomid. Or could be I never got my o date right in the first dang place. Anyhoo, I need to gear myself up for this tww and I can't appropriately obsess if I don't know my dpo! Help!?

    E.T.A. tomorrow is my last day at the ever so stressful cardiology office!!! Moving on to fulfilling a life long dream in teaching and I can't wipe the smile off my face

    (What is E.T.A.? And did I use it appropriately???)

  35. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @organicmama: ETA is "edited to add" so you used it appropriately if you came back and added something to your post. (Or, it's "estimated time of arrival" but... not around here.)

    If you got your positive OPK on Tuesday morning, you could have ovulated on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Only temping would tell you for sure.

  36. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @organicmama: count me in on the fundraiser!

    I usually O the day after I get my positive OPK. It is hard to pinpoint exactly without temping.

  37. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @organicmama: ooo I would definitely not want multiples! But I guess it's better than 0! As for O - what the others said, it really could be T/W/Th, I usually O the same day as my positive.

  38. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @organicmama: happy last day of crazy work! It is so exciting to hear about such a positive change.

    I am pretty interested in avoiding multiples too but I think it is hard to predict what the best decision will be until you are in the situation. And my understanding is that the vast majority of interventions still end up single births but I don't know that for sure.

  39. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @Keppa: I'm so sorry for your loss

    @MrsMcD: Gotcha. I have NO idea what my plan is, lol!!!!!!! I'm so lost. All I know is my annual is late September and I'm going to wait until then to proceed with any further testing. I don't even know what my doctor's next step will be (probably CD 3 and 7 DPO testing...) Just going with the flow. We honestly can't afford any type of expensive treatment (IUI/IVF) at this time, anyways, so what's the point in rushing?

  40. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @MamaCate: those are serious jobs! You both are smarties. I bet it will be a dream for you to drop to 30 hours. I'd love that. I'm an attorney and DH is cop! Surprisingly, I think we actually are finally in a good spot with schedules to have kids. We've never felt we could swing it but we are so ready now. And two incomes is a must for us, too.

    @dc yoga bee: nice to see you pop in!

    @AmeliaBedilia: I love de-cluttering.

    @organicmama: I agree that O could be anytime Tuesday, Wednesday or even Thursday.

    @doxielove: I think you and I are on the same page! I'm staying at my nice, comfy insurance-covered gyno's office as long as I can!! Your doctor probably will order some bloodwork when you see her. I think it's smart to wait until your annual exam. But when you schedule the exam, give them a heads up that you also want a fertility consult.

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