Hellobee Boards


July TTC 6 Months + Support Thread- Watermelon Bellies and BFPs!

  1. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    Just rolling myself over, per usual...

    New July BFPs
    MrsMcCarthy, Lil Bean, MrsStar


    July 20: GoGoSnoGirl, Doxielove
    July 21: Simply_London
    July 27: Septca
    July 28: MrsMcD
    July 29: PawPrints
    July 30: nicolechris11212
    July 31: DC Yoga Bee; Kate6214
    Aug 01: OrganicMama, ctegge0416
    Aug 02: Crystal
    Aug 10: LilyoftheWest
    Aug 11: MaryM; KelLeeLeee
    Aug 14: MamaCate
    Aug 17: LindsayInNY
    Aug 20: doxielove

    TBD: Marfi, AmeliaBedilia, eabae, Tam, fotolori1, Keppa

  2. Marfi

    clementine / 794 posts

    Well heard back from my OBGYN about the tests from yesterday. While my FSH:LH ratio isn't the typical 3:1 ratio they use when diagnosing PCOS, it is 19:7 and she thinks that PCOS is likely and will be referring me to a RE. Unfortunately they left early today and I won't be able to get more information until Monday morning.

  3. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @LindsayInNY: sorry to hear you are out this month!

  4. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Marfi: Sorry to hear that On the bright side, at least you are getting some answers!

  5. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @Marfi: Hugs, but I agree, at least you're getting an answer, then you can work on treating it.

    Had very slight brown spotting. CD18. I usually O on CD15. I am not temping except once I cheated CD16, and temp was up. I am very confident I ovulated CD15 at the latest. I almost never spot. I wish it was implantation, but almost certainly too early. Any thoughts?

    I have gotten some stuff done including lots of weeding (weather is great here), biked 70 minutes while surfing the internet/watching Big Brother, scored a groupon for Fiverr (excited!), made rice krispie treats for some events this weekend (and we have a ton of rice krispies and marshmellows so cleaning out the pantry), and I am about to try on a bunch of clothes I ordered from gap.com last week.

    What are your plans for tonight? DH has had an exhausting week, so we're having a relaxing night in. I have Mrs. Blue's "Pork tenderloin so good it will make you cry" in the crockpot for dinner. I hope it's that good!

  6. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @MaryM: I did napro, they were amazing and I got ku first treatment round

  7. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    Sending love and BFP dust to my girls on here!

  8. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: I had a slight bit of random spotting 3/4 dpo when I got my BFP last year! At the time I had the same thought--too early for implantation. No idea if it was implantation or not but it turned into a good thing for me. I guess you will know if it means anything or not in two weeks!

  9. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @Marfi: hope you can get in to the RE soon and figure out what your next steps are!

  10. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @MamaCate: Thanks. I so hope it's that, but I can't figure out why my body would do this.

  11. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @Snowdrop: if you don't mind me asking, what did they do treatment wise?

    @Marfi: I'm sorry you have to wait so long for more answers. That really stinks! But I do agree with the others that it might be great to have a diagnosis so you can work on treating it!

  12. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    @lindsayinny: I'm sorry.

    @ameliabedilia: fingers crossed! When is your POAS date?

    And so the TWW begins!! Let's keep the positivity coming and post some more BFPs!

  13. Marfi

    clementine / 794 posts

    @MaryM: While I was pleasantly surprised to have my blood test results after only 24 hours I wish she hadn't called right before leaving for the day!! Oh well I have to take DH to the airport at the butt crack of dawn Monday morning so I can call first thing when they open.

  14. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    Thought y'all would be amused to hear sweetie's rundown of the porn options at the andrology lab (semen sample).
    - gang bang
    - gang bang
    - interracial gang bang
    - french gang bang
    - french anal

    There was a bit of a theme.

  15. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @lilyofthewest: Hahaha! And eww!

  16. Kate6214

    cherry / 245 posts

    @LindsayInNY: Sorry you are out

    @Marfi: Waiting for results is the worst.

    @AmeliaBedilia: Could the spotting have been ovulation related but taken a day or so to move on through?

    @organicmama: Good luck!

    @lilyofthewest: That sounds awful, but totally made me chuckle.

  17. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @lilyofthewest: hahaha that is so funny!

  18. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @Kate6214: Good thought, though it was at least 3 days after O, maybe more. I don't remember it ever happening. It was brown, then red, then more brown. I am so hoping it was implantation, but my head knows that is very unlikely.

    I don't feel well today- little off/lightheaded. I have been on a late schedule and am trying to get myself on an earlier one.

  19. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: hope you can rest up and get into a schedule that works better for you, no idea about the spotting but I hope it clears up.

    @lilyofthewest: more info than I needed but made me laugh!

  20. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @MaryM: yes, after all th charting/testing they found I had slightly immature eggs and thinnish lining due to borderline oestrogen levels pre O but that my major prob was luteal progesterone, normal length LP but levels so low that my lining was not prepared adequately for implantation.
    The plan was progesterone pessaries the first month as I was already 4dpo. Then mucinex around O and hcg shots during LP. This should have had a knock on effect making subsequent eggs more mature.
    If none of that had worked they would have started low Rose femara if HSG was clear but the doctor expected we wouldn't get that far (and she was right) I'm still on the progesterone and being monitored.

  21. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    @snowdrop: what does the hcg shot do? Also, how did they determine the eggs were immature? Was that from the low estrogen? I ask because I had low estrogen last month at 7 dpo bloodwork (64) and my RE started me on clomid... my progesterone was borderline. Wondering if I should ask for hcg shots???

  22. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    Hi friends! I'm enjoying not bothering with opks since I'm on business travel most of this month. Except, now curiosity is getting the best of me lol. I usually ovulate cd 17, and ovulated cd 18 the past two months. I read online that you ovulate the day after the last day of ewcm. Have y'all heard that? I had ewcm cd 17-18.

    DH drove out to see me cd 19. Based on the following this month went down in any of the following scenarios.

    If I ovulated cd 17, we bd o-4, and o+2. I know the o+2 doesn't count. If I ovulated cd 18, we bd o-5, and o+1. If I ovulated cd 19 (maybe travel delayed it a day), we bd o-6, and o. Not great chances, but I think we at least have some chance. Which is great considering I left for out of town the second day of fertile week, and DH was able to come visit at the tail end or couple of days after depending on when I ovulated. Let the tww begin!

  23. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @dc yoga bee: I might be wrong, but I think you usually O the last day of EWCM, not the day after. Good luck!!

  24. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    Well I'm up early and already stalking the Web for gems of information on ttc. Happy Sunday! Lol :silly:Since I ovulated early, will someone move my POAS up to 7/29?

    @gogosnogirl @doxielove: how are we doing this a.m.??

  25. nicole112

    apricot / 278 posts

    I started reading the book 'The Conception Chronicles' and although I'm still toward the beginning...it's very good! And it makes me laugh because we all go through a similar journey. I highly recommend it already! It's one of those that I want to keep reading! Just a quick update...I'm in CD 19 and I'm pretty sure I already O'ed. Not 100% sure because I am not temping or OPK'ing. I usually get nipple/breast soreness about a week before AF arrives and it started yesterday! So that's something new! I would consider myself officially in the TWW. I'm guesstimating I am 1 or 2 DPO, don't know for sure! But I'm okay with that! I hope everyone is doing well! I need to catch up a bit on this thread! I'm trying to preoccupy myself so I don't drive myself crazy with the TWW! I still find time is going by SO slow. I guess that's okay for it being summer but still! Well, happy Sunday to everyone!

  26. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @organicmama: good mornin! Thanks for asking. Yesterday I had a bit of brown spotting, but since I have felt SURE I was pg this cycle, & was taking some comfort in the other post about ladies spotting & still getting a +, I tested late yesterday. BFN. pretty sure AF is on her way today. I'm so bummed. But now I "get" to call the RE tomorrow & schedule d3 blood draws & an HSG. I'd just hoped the threat of those next steps would mean we'd get our BFP, as that was how it worked out in Apr when we got our 1st BFP (lost @ 6wks) and I canceled my RE appt then. But seems we won't be doing this the easy way. Good luck to the remaining July testers.

  27. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    I had a mini-revelation yesterday that I need to work on myself emotionally and mentally for the good of our (hopefully) future child. I am often very negative in the way I talk to myself, and I do not want to impart that to a child. I am trying to increase my journaling, meditation, prayer, etc. It is so hard because the results aren't tangible or quick.

  28. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @LindsayInNY: I'm so sorry you are out. but fresh start now.

    Oh girls.... I'm in Palm Springs but getting ready to go back home after a fun weekend. It's helped pass my TWW a little quicker but now I'm back to watching the minutes pass by.

  29. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @GoGoSnoGirl: so sorry to hear that you are out! Hugs! I hope that you are able to get things rolling at the RE's quickly and that you can take care of yourself in the process!

  30. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @MrsMcD: That sounds awesome. Hope you had a good time.

  31. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    I'm a rollover! Onto the next!

  32. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @doxielove: You have been my constant POAS buddy since day 1! I love you but it's time for us to graduate

  33. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @lilyofthewest: Those are awesome porn selections.

    @dc yoga bee: I don't know how to pinpoint O, but its great your DH came up to see you. When do you get home?

    @organicmama: Did you find any good TTC gems of information? I love googling stuff like that but sometimes I have nothing less to google! I'm so glad you are in the TWW. I was getting lonely. And its the slowest TWW ever for me.

    @GoGoSnoGirl: Oh lady... sorry about the BFN. What CD are you? I don't ever count girls out until AF comes...

    @AmeliaBedilia: You are always coming up with some great goals. I hope you are feeling well. is there any reason you haven't come up with a POAS/AF date? Do you have unpredictable cycles? And yes, I had a great time! Thanks!

    @doxielove: Sorry you are out. I agree with @LindsayInNY: that its time to graduate out of this group!!

  34. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @simply_london: How are you doing, lady?!?! We haven't heard from you in a while.

  35. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @MamaCate: @MrsMcD: thanks ladies. no AF yet & still tiny bit of spotting, so maaaybe there's hope! Will test again tomorrow @ 13dpo if no AF

  36. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @MrsMcD: Thanks! I love that you're always so positive toward everyone! No POAS date since I am not temping, and the POAS date stresses me out. I am trying not to pay any attention to my cycle and AF will come when she comes. IF she is a few days late, I will POAS. I will keep you all informed, I promise. But listing a POAS date is just a big source of stress for me, so please forgive me for staying a TBD.

  37. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    @gogosnogirl: the waiting is the worst!! Praying AF stays away!!

    @doxielove: sorry lady

    @mrsmcd: there's a whole new slew of things to Google while on clomid! Plus I am new to the digital opk so there's that too. Palm Springs?! Sounds heavenly!!

    By my official calculations, I'm 4 dpo. (Could be 3 or 5) I kinda feel like it won't happen. Just cuz it never does. And also, I need to be prepared for that. But as y'all well know, you still keep that hope that just maybe...

  38. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @GoGoSnoGirl: I looooooove that you are holding out hope!!!!

    @organicmama: Please! Keep hopeful! I can't even imagine all the things to google re: clomid. Right now, I just good strollers for triplets and quads and like crib arrangements. Bahahaha. Very superficial stuff. I'm 6 dpo! You and I are close!!

  39. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: Hey! I'm so sorry I've asked you about the POAS date but now I totally understand. That makes sense and you can stay whereever you want on that silly list. I hope you are feeling good. Also, keep us posted on that job news are you waiting for. I'm dying to know. Is it from your old job or your new job? And are you expecting it to be positive or negative? Can you give us a kew word?!?!?!

  40. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    This thread has moved so quickly these last few days! I've been out and about and unable to keep up.

    I'm over here at CD17 twiddling my thumbs. I normally O CD15, and I have yet to have a positive opk. I'm hoping it happens soon! DH and I are BD EOD until we get confirmed O. I'm running out of OPKs, so I hope it happens soon!

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