I am thinking about this because I am currently very angry about this party I am co-hosting with a friend as our LOs have birthdates that are 1 week apart (they are turning 3). BAD IDEA. My idea was to get a venue (we are hosting at a children's museum), buy a cake and order food, get some party favors, and send out some evites, and that's the end of it. But obviously my friend wanted more - she prefer paper invitations which she can scrapbook (and since I am a designer she is "assigning" me to DESIGN it. When I said I only want to do evite she gave me a speech of how she wants to scrapbook the invite for her LO, and how kids would be excited to have the stupid invite stuck on their fridge. Grrrrr), and she wants it to have a theme (which I honestly do not care for) and get decor with the theme, which matches the invite, and she has preference on the cake and the taste of the cake...etc. She had an opinion on EVERYTHING. I am just so mad because I felt forced to do so many things that I didn't feel was even needed.

In a scale of 1-5, I am a 1 and she would be a 3-4. I mean to me, kids are going to eat (we only have the party room for an hour) and they are going to the museum to play anyway. Who cares about your matching decor and theme? And why do you put up the decor when it lasts for an hour and you have to take them down and throw in the trash? It's just a birthday not a wedding. It comes every year grrr.

The only reason why I agreed to do a joint party was because our LOs are such good friends, I am afraid my LO would feel left out if we go to his friend's birthday ON HIS BIRTHDAY, and he would wonder why is no one singing happy birthday to him or why does he not have a party.

What kind of mom are you when it comes to kids' birthday parties? How do you feel about them?