Hellobee Boards


Kids Birthday Parties: What kind of Mom (Partyzilla) are you?

  • poll: Kids Birthday Parties: From a scale of 1-5, What kind of Mom (Partyzilla) are you?
    1 - Hate parties and would avoid throwing one as much as possible. : (9 votes)
    8 %
    2 - Budget partying. Evites. Plain plates. It is a chore. : (27 votes)
    23 %
    3 : (40 votes)
    35 %
    4 : (25 votes)
    22 %
    5 - I love birthday parties. Execute beautiful parties that people will follow+pinterest afterwards. : (11 votes)
    10 %
    6 - Renting ponies, hiring magicians, did someone say fireworks? : (3 votes)
    3 %
  1. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    I'm a 3, I'm like your friend and insist on paper invites (I too like to keep them) and like to have a theme, but am cheap so I keep that in mind when planning a party. I think décor brings it together, even if it's just bright colored plastic table cloths and some balloons. Otherwise I feel like it feels "unfinished."

  2. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    As a guest to the party I would prefer getting a regular paper invitation. I don't see anything wrong with having a theme either. I enjoyed creating a Pinterest board for my daughter's 1st birthday party and buying/making decor based on my vision. I had a mix of cooked and catered food. I didn't worry about activities because LO wasn't old enough, there weren't any other young children there and adults can handle socializing on their own.

  3. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    I voted 4. I put a lot of thought and effort into party planning, but they never turn out like I imagine. Definitely not pin-worthy. I do always stick to a budget! I always, always do a paper invitation. If I was rich, I would be a 5, no question.

    I think in the future separate parties might be the way to go!

  4. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    I voted myself as a 5, but I don’t think of myself as a “zilla”-anything because I do all the work myself and don’t act like a biatch to anyone!

    I like themed foods and menu planning (and like cooking and doing all that myself), I like having a theme of sorts and finding things/decorations that fit that theme, I like picking out lovely paper invites and making DIY stuff for parties - - basically, I just really like hosting parties. That’s the reason I do what I do for LO’s parties; because *I* like to do those things. I definitely don’t assume everyone else will do the same things I do, and don’t judge if they don’t!

  5. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    Negative 8. I put some effort into my wedding and the best times I had there were the unplanned after party and hanging with my girls beforehand, so I decided then and there that planning and fanfare weren't for me. My son turns one in March and the plan is to hire a private room in our favourite restaurant and have a nice lunch. No decorations, no games, texting ppl to invite.


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