Last Friday I suffered a late post partum hemorrhage. I gave birth to my son on Jan 8th after being induced at 40 weeks 4 days. I pushed for a couple of hours and only tore where my previous tear was from my daughter. He was 9 pounds 5 ounces. I feel I was somewhat neglected by nurses during my recovery and they did not massage my stomach/uterus as much as they should have. I remember receiving a lot more attention in regards to that during my recovery with my DD 3 1/2 years earlier than this time around and I wonder if this could have been prevented with better post partum care.

Last Friday ( after having intense uterus contractions and generally feeling awful all week) I woke up to my son wanting to eat at 5 am and realized I was lying in a bed full of blood. We rushed to the er where I sat bleeding for hours until my ob came and then everything moved so quickly. I was signing papers as they pressed on my uterus and I screamed at the top of my lungs in pain. Last thing I remember was crying and shaking on the operating table thinking I didn't properly say good bye to my children. I woke up over a day later, intubated in the ICU. I had lost most of my blood and had a total of 16 units transfused.
They tried a d &c which failed, then a balloon inside my uterus and finally performed a uterine artery embolism. I'm very sore and bruised everywhere. I'm still dizzy and feel weak. I didn't think I would be in this much pain while recovering and it's driving me nuts. I just want to feel better and be able to take care of my kids with ease again and forget about it. I asked my ob if I could have more children and she said sure but gave me absolutely no other detail as to what having another baby will be like for me. Will I be high risk? Will I bleed again most likely? Is it stupid to even consider? She said that's why she saved my uterus but I feel she is very relaxed about everything although she did tell me I was extremely close to death that day and I should be thankful to be here and not even be thinking about my uterus right now. Everyone has already told me I'm crazy to even think that and its not like I'm thinking about having another child in a few months but I didn't feel done before this and it depresses
me to think that option is gone now.

Idk what I'm looking for..I guess just to share my story and maybe connect with someone who went through something similar. Before getting pregnant with DS I had several miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy so I'm really just feeling defeated and exhausted at this point. Sorry so long.