LO just turned 15 months old last week and yesterday she climbed out of her PnP after being laid down for her nap. She now lets us or her daycare nanny (we use an in-home provider) know when she wants to sleep and will go down quietly, snuggle for a few minutes and sleep for 1-2 hours. After 10 quiet minutes, her nanny heard faint knocking coming from inside the nap room and LO was on the other side of the door, pleased as punch, smiling super big.
I sent a sleep sack with her today (we use them at home for naps and night time but she always slept fine without them at daycare so we didn't bother) in order to try and limit her range of motion. Well little smarty pants unzipped it herself and was one-leg over when her nanny intervened.
What can I do? I don't think she is ready to have a floor bed and not explore instead of sleep. I thought about using that mesh netting over the top but I teems like it wouldn't deter her and she migh just rip it up in her efforts to climb. I thought about a baby enclosure (like a super yard thing) with a floor mattress within but they are only about 4-6 inches taller than a standard PnP.
Did you have a climber? What did you do to keep them safe, but also keep them sleeping well?