We recently sleep trained our LO (5 months) and things are a lot better in that department with less night wakings and she puts herself to sleep fairly quickly. But it feels like the better her nights get the harder naps become. She had a great night of sleep last night (13 hours from 7pm to 8am with two night wakings for feedings) but today she downright refused to nap. I have been rocking and rocking and rocking her only to put her down and she wakes up or for her to just be looking up at me not sleeping. I think I put her down and picked her up eight times in the span of 45 minutes for her to sleep 20 minutes. I know her tired signs and we always start her nap routien within 1.5 to 2 hours from her last nap. But today she has only napped 45 minutes the entire day just wanted to vent. It may be time for some nap training. Any suggestions how to start nap training? Anyone else in the same boat?