So I posted a while ago that LO will only nap while being held. Well now at almost 10 months, I (personally) have broken that! I am able to rock her and put her down for a nap in her crib, no problem. one else can?! My husband, baby sitter, MIL, or my mom. All of which watch her on a regular basis.

A couple things, I will not CIO, it's just not for me. I'm so glad it works for many people, but it's not for us. we have a routine, I go in her bedroom, turn off the lights, turn on the white noise and read her a short story. This routine mimics the bedtime routine.

I am always the one to put her down for bed at night, because I generally nurse her to sleep at night. Should I start nursing her a little before bedtime, and try to have DH put her down?

I'm just sooo confused because I don't have any issues getting her to sleep in the crib. But when other people put her down she freaks out, and thrashes around, and if they leave the room she will scream and cry until they come back in and hold her. then she will fall back asleep in their arms (which is generally where she naps then.)

uhh.....has this happened with anyone else?