Do you use the locking clip for your car seat or car seat base (seat belt install, not latch)? I read all the directions in our car manual and the car seat manual, and I still feel like our install isn't right. It's impossible to get the clip in the right spot, it seems like.

The other problem is, if the seat belt is really tight, the shoulder part pulls up on the base so it is crooked-- like the recline is correct, per the level indicator on the side of the seat, but from the front it's tilted.

I've been googling because I feel like we are smart people and if I'm having trouble, it must not be that uncommon, and I'm at a loss. C is 7 months and I've never been totally comfortable with her car seat installation in our car. And the techs who will check are just located inconveniently for us, which is a lame excuse.