Following a recent miscarriage I have just started focusing back on health and fitness, and feeling great. It has been so long since I have exercised to the point of sore muscles etc (thanks to BFing & LO of 19 months) - so I'm enjoying the endorphins after so long in 'prenatal' or 'postnatal' mode. I also want to shift some of the post-wedding/post-baby weight that has stuck around, and changing my chocolate and sugar addiction is the way I need to address that! I am probably only 7kg away from where I want to be...but I have definitely plateaued after restricting calories in the first year after LO.
I just saw old photos and started feeling really bad about it all, not to mention family saying it's ok I've put on weight because I was 'sooo skinny' then anyway. I actually felt great and full of energy!!
Anyway, my question is - did anyone have success losing weight while TTC & then keeping it off following the pregnancy?
I just want to start my next pregnancy (whenever that may be) off at the right weight...but also know that the first trimester usually gets me craving sweets and carbohydrates so don't want to undo all my good work so far!
The weight didn't just drop off after my first pregnancy, despite EBF for a year plus and restricting calories. So I guess I'm just looking for stories where weight loss has happened and stayed off...despite the hormones and craziness that accompanies TTC & pregnancy!
Thanks in advance