I saw this a few months back when Henry was still just a little thing and thought it was a great idea. It's a growth chart that you can take with you because really, who stays in the same house the entire time a kid's growing up nowadays? I know DH and I are trying very hard to get a house right now that we hope to spend the next ten years in but after that, who knows?


With Henry's one year birthday next week, I've been thinking more and more about how something like this would be a great gift (probably belated because I would have to order the fabric below). My only problem is that I'm terribly indecisive. I wanted to find a jelly roll that had great colors and patterns that would grow with my child and look good anywhere.

I think that this jelly roll really fits the bill. What do you think? I'm a little hesitant because it costs forty bucks but shipping is free and I figured if the first one turned out well, I could use whatever was left over and make his sibling (due in March) one. What do you think? Is this a good choice? Or do you have another suggestion?