persimmon / 1419 posts
@fuzzypeaches: Ugh, I'm so sorry, mama. Fingers crossed for a quick resolution.
@breakouttheicecream: Thanks, I hope it's just spotting, too. I'm only 3+6, so could be implantation if it just hung around in my uterus for a while, but I don't want to mess around. Otherwise I think I'm where I'm supposed to be--really sore boobs, sensitive to smells and tastes, mild cramping, mild headache. It's just so stressful.
persimmon / 1419 posts
@Chuckles: Try and stay positive. You won't feel everything all the time. I'll look out for your results tomorrow.
persimmon / 1419 posts
Just got off the phone with my doctor's office. Not starting bloodwork until Friday (4 weeks) tentative ultrasound scheduled for 4/5. And my spotting has tailed off, so fingers crossed that doesn't come back.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@karenbme: 🤞 great news!
My friend that just hit 14 weeks of varying shades of spotting at 4-5.5 weeks, and all is well.
persimmon / 1064 posts
@yellowbeach: Shoot. Sorry. Hope your PGS testing comes back fantastic (and quickly!).
persimmon / 1064 posts
@Chuckles: It's normal for symptoms to come and go! I bet your US will bring great news!
persimmon / 1064 posts
@karenbme: Great news! I can see why you would be worried (and I would be too, even though I objectively know that spotting like you described is really common in healthy pregnancies) and I'm glad you have a US date for peace of mind!
persimmon / 1064 posts
8 DPO here and no tweaking needed! But based on @yellowbeach ‘s OSOM, I’m only tentatively excited. FRER was negative, but glad I at least have a FRER “baseline”, since they’ve been so whacky
persimmon / 1419 posts
@bees_knees: Yay!! This board needed some good news today! Tentatively excited for you, too.
@Sams Mom: @bees_knees: Thanks! and I know it could be normal, but it’s just so scary...
persimmon / 1064 posts
@karenbme: I totally understand, it is scary! Especially with your history. I think your early positive and your line progression are GREAT signs though!
grapefruit / 4492 posts
So I asked my mom for my shot record for my new job to avoid all the jabs possible. She laughed at me 🤦♀️ *disclaimer, I am 30, so didn't expect to need it after college*
Then called the health department to get my records, and they couldn't find it. The lady asked if I was sure that was my last name at the time... Ummmmm yeah, it's my maiden name... That is on my birth certificate.. and it's the name I had for 26 years.
She finally called back, and I guess mine and my older sister's was jammed into our little sister's file. 🤦♀️ Then it took forever to get a copy of my proof of Tdap from my last pregnancy.
But hopefully all I'll need next week now is a flu shot
persimmon / 1419 posts
@Sams Mom: That’s a crazy story. Glad you got them in the end, but 🤦♀️
nectarine / 2648 posts
Ugh vent time. Worked a 12 hour shift after getting my crappy beta drawn. Picked DD up from daycare. Came home and have to give DH IV fluids due to fever and crazy non-stop diarrhea. So I'm doing IVs in my bedroom while DD is screaming to watch Peppa Pig. At 8:40pm DD is fed, DH is hydrated and finally afebrile and I'm having red wine for my dinner. I'm spent.
clementine / 950 posts
@yellowbeach: that sounds like the worst day ever you deserve that wine for real! Are you working tomorrow too? Hopefully get a day to regroup soon
nectarine / 2648 posts
@fuzzypeaches: Off tomorrow but have a dentist appointment - I'll probably need a root canal or something
clementine / 811 posts
@yellowbeach: condolences. Your day sounded awful, but going to the dentist sounds even worse. (My opinion may be swayed.)
@Sams Mom: Good to hear there was a way to get that information. I still have mine and I even know where the papers are! The school nurse gave us all the data collected when we finished high school, there's a record of all the vaccinations and also weight, height and eye sight info. I was so tiny when I went to first grade!
Have you heard how Kaohinani is doing? I miss her and hope she's feeling better.
persimmon / 1419 posts
@yellowbeach: Ick, that sounds like the worst day. I hope you enjoyed at least one glass of wine. Good luck at the dentist today.
@Sams Mom: Have you heard anything from Kaohinani? I also miss her, and hope she’s doing OK.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@paranundrum: @karenbme: nothing yet. I guess this one hit her pretty hard though (not that any migraine is fun).
clementine / 950 posts
There is no hope here right?
All of a sudden in the middle of the night I became hopeful it was just a slow starter but now I think it’s definitely not
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@fuzzypeaches: you probably won't get a good read until tomorrow for sure, but it doesn't look good ☹️
persimmon / 1495 posts
I'm so anxious to get this ultrasound today. I realized that because I'm on estrogen and progesterone supplements, I can't place any weight in symptoms coming and going. And this morning I feel a little nauseous again. I teach in a middle school, and let me tell you - there are a lot of smells here.
persimmon / 1495 posts
@fuzzypeaches: Yeah, sorry. I wish it were something different, but it doesn't look good.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Chuckles: ewwww middle school smells, I'm sorry. Between the BO, bathing in AXE, and everything in between.
clementine / 950 posts
@Chuckles: symptoms are so variable at the beginning. Honestly early pregnancy is designed to make women crazy. Nothing definitive to let you know what’s going on in there
olive / 66 posts
Whew. Worse betas yesterday. I spent the night on the phone with my health insurance company trying to figure out which ERs are in-network in a city across the country (leaving tomorrow for work for a week). hCG increased by 30 in 48 hours, but is still around 800 and it's the end of week six. Definitely too low, and not a good pattern for growth.
There's not a lot to do at this point. I've asked the nurse for a few days off from betas during the trip (my arms are black and blue). If anything is still there when I get back, they'll do an early scan.
Still rooting for all of you ladies.
@Kaohinani, we're all worried about you. Hope you're feeling better.
@yellowbeach, I hope your dentist gives you a freaking prize from the kids' bin. Or better yet, a bottle of wine. That sounds like an awful day. Thinking of you.
persimmon / 1064 posts
@Chuckles: middle school smells are awful even when you’re not pregnant! Let us know how your ultrasound goes
@fuzzypeaches: crossing fingers for you!
persimmon / 1419 posts
@fuzzypeaches: Right now I agree with Sam's Mom and FuzzyPeaches, it's not looking great. You've still got a little time for it to pick up though.
@Chuckles: Good luck today!! I know how nerve wracking it can be, and I hope you get to see a healthy little bean. Also, I don't envy your middle school situation, those smells are serious...
persimmon / 1419 posts
@breakouttheicecream: I'm so sorry to see this... I hope your work trip (and the break from levels) is a good distraction for you. I'm so so sorry.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
Question for the masses:
I'm packing for our weekend trip to Nashville, I will be 10-13 dpo for the trip.
Do I pack tests?
Go without, and live blissfully unaware of a potential pregnancy while having more than two drinks for the first time in years?
persimmon / 1419 posts
@Sams Mom: @paranundrum: @bees_knees: Agreed! Distract yourself, come home and test knowing that you'll know one way or the other!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@SamsMom: I agree - leave 'em behind!
AFM, good news at the dentist at least, no cavities and nothing to shell out a bunch of cash for. On a side note bc I thought this was sweet, they have a new hygienist who was trying to get to know me a little better and was digging through my paper chart. She pulled out DD's birth announcement! I sent the office one when she was born and I guess they saved it. Thought that was a nice touch. And flash forward, today I made her an appointment with them for her first visit. I guess they just have them sit in the chair, squirt water and get used to all of it. Now I can say "yes" to the dentist question when we see the pediatrician next week!
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@bees_knees: @paranundrum: @karenbme: @yellowbeach: k, I'm almost packed and no pee sticks
olive / 66 posts
@karenbme: Thank you.
@chuckles: Good luck with the ultrasound! Let us know how it goes.
@yellowbeach: That's good news! Glad it went well.
@Sams mom: Have a great trip.
persimmon / 1495 posts
@breakouttheicecream: so sorry to hear this. I know how it feels to be a pincushion. I'm sure it will be good to take some time off from being jabbed.
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