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March Madness of BFPs: POAS thread 6 months plus

  1. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Crystal: only other thing I can think of is that it could be from DTD..

  2. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @littlek: He is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @Crystal: it happened a while ago with my friend but I am really struggling with it. I don't get why so many people are insensitive to ttc. Thank God for you lot eh!

    @lindsayinny: I keep checking for updates on this spotting, the Chinese whispers at the doctors sucks!

    @littlek: he is sooo cute! Love the sheriff outfit.

    I finally O'd yesterday so the end is in sight for this charting but not trying cycle!

  4. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Snowdrop: Yay for O!!!

  5. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @Snowdrop: Yea!

    We BD yesterday, which is probably O-2, though I stopped temping since I was always regular and it just makes me more stressed. We hit O-4, and now DH is on a plane to California, so that's the best we'll do. I am trying to tell myself that since we're both stressed out, it probably won't happen. I have my interview tomorrow afternoon. I'm in a field where it's easy to find ANY job, but hard to find a GREAT one. I am almost certain I will be offered the job, but I am really hoping it's somewhere I will be happy and not as stressed. I can't imagine raising kids where I work right now, and this job would be way better for having kids.

  6. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: hope your interview goes well! Sounds like a good opportunity!

  7. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @sandy: That actually sounds good as a cd21 number. They say they want above a 10, but my OB told me many women only have 6 or 7 and they still get pregnant. I've heard ladies around here say that 5 actually shows O, but a 10 indicates good O. My ob saw that I had a 5.3 which prompted her to put me on Clomid. The next cycle, it was a 7.7, so then she UPPED the clomid.

  8. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @CupQuakeWalk: thank you so much for your thoughts and for sharing your experience. from what you said, I really don't think my problem is about ovulation....my cycles are usually very regular. I'm really hoping it's just a thyroid issue. I don't know whether to start taking the clomid or wait for my testing and appointment with my GP. I'm waiting to hear back from my OB tomorrow

  9. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    Today is the day! I meet with my doc today for my Clomid check and I plan on using this appointment to discuss my desire to try Metformin, if she thinks it could work for me. Also, even though DH and I are planning on taking a TTC break, he really wants me to ask about IUIs. He wants to know how much it will cost and if it is something we can just jump straight into when we are done with our break. I would hope that, since it's been a year of TTC, she'll allow us to explore whatever options we'd like...fingers crossed!

  10. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    Doctor call back today. My progesterone levels were 25!
    Cycle before Clomid: 5.3
    Cycle on 50mg Clomid: 7.7
    Cycle on 100mg Clomid: 25
    So, they're convinced I did ovulate but I took a test today and it's negative. I've still got 5 days until AF though so, I am very early.

  11. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @CupQuakeWalk: strong ovulation! Fx!!

  12. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @sarahnicole218: good luck at your appt today!

  13. mtex14

    cherry / 111 posts

    Hello ladies I am totally being a negative nancy today… I tested yesterday which was 11dpo and it was still a negative! I am losing hope… I really felt like March was my month but seeing all the negative tests totally bums me out and I have no symptoms really. Just had to vent because you ladies are so great with all the support

    @CUPQUAKEWALK that is a great number !! I got mine back it was a 10.9 ..fx!

  14. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: good luck!!!

    @sandy: Interesting about your CD21 results... My doctor does them 5DPO instead of 7DPO for whatever reason and my levels were 12.55. I was "convinced" low progesterone was my problem. I guess not? Now I'm wondering if it's thyroid too... The last time mine was checked, I was on BC so it wasn't accurate. I have a physical in a couple weeks and will have that checked. What makes you think that's the case with you?

    @sarahnicole218: If you've gone through all the basic testing, I don't see why you couldn't move on to IUI, assuming that's the best option for you?

    @CupQuakeWalk: That's awesome!! FX!!

  15. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @littlek: Adorable!

    Lots of great P levels for you ladies recently! Nice!

    @AmeliaBedilia: Good luck on your interview!

  16. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @sandy: how are you doing? Did the spotting stop?

  17. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @LindsayInNY: did tons spotting stop? How are you feeling?

  18. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @mtex14: step away from the pee sticks. Those things hurt so much! Sending you lots of hugs. @CupQuakeWalk: congrats on the p levels

  19. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @mtex14: I'm sorry. BFN suck.

  20. mtex14

    cherry / 111 posts

    @littlek thank you! I try so hard to wait out the testing but I cave all the time and its just torture! I swear the woman at CVS knows me by name hehe

  21. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @mtex14: It's soo hard not to. I've told myself I'm not going to test this cycle. BUT I plan on testing like crazy my next cycle when I get the IUI.

  22. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @littlek: Still there but barely. There's literally one dot in my panty liner right now. There's usually a little more in the morning mixed with progesterone discharge stuff. Always brown. Otherwise feel normal like always. No clue what to make of this...

  23. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @LindsayInNY: the reason I think it may be a thyroid issue is bc I had severe hyperthyroidism in my 20s. The underlying issue is I have Graves' disease which is an autoimmune disorder. They did 2 radioactive iodine treatments to basically kill my thyroid function...which means I become hypothyroid and have to take a thyroid supplement. My OB said my labs were normal (at 4.3 or something) but HBers tell me their RE says 1-2 is ideal for TTC

  24. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @littlek: yes, but it does that sometimes. A day of spotting and then nothing which gets me all excited about IB and then it's back and then AF. I swear each day just drags on during the TWW

  25. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @CupQuakeWalk: wow! Strong O numbers! And still very early so FX for the weekend!

  26. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @mtex14: seeing BFNs just suck...sorry and still holding out hope for you!

  27. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    We have a lot of testers this weekend, right???

  28. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Crystal: How are you doing? Did the spotting stop?

  29. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    Any new updates - POAS dates, etc.??

    BFPs: ShayNanigans, Sprite

    March 21: mtex14
    March 23: LindsayInNY
    March 24: sandy
    March 25: CupQuakeWalk
    March 27: sarahnicole218,
    March 31: bhbee, mrs. tictactoe, littlek

    TBD: Keppa, buttermilk

    rollovers: doxielove,Boopers, AmeliaBedilia, Crystal, MrsMcD

  30. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @sarahnicole218: good luck today and keep us posted!

  31. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @sandy: @littlek: and @LindsayInNY: Thank you for the well wishes! Despite having to wait a ridiculous amount of time to finally see my doc, it was a good appointment. The exam was good, no new cysts formed! She said, if I am not pregnant this cycle, she was OK with me starting the Metformin and taking a break for a couple of months. I found out the IUI option is definitely our next step to avoid putting pressure on my DH and our marriage. She said to call when I'm ready, they'll give me Clomid that cycle and then when I get the positive OPK, it's IUI time! It's also not too pricey, so DH was happy to hear that.

    On a related note...I can't test this weekend! Somehow, I've managed to make it through an entire batch of Wondfos over our year of TTC and do not have one single one left. I have two CB Digitals on hand, and I don't think I want to spend the money on anything else right now. I either am or I'm not, I'll find out next Thursday!

  32. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @sarahnicole218: I'm so glad your doctor's appointment went well and provided good test results. Can't get much better than "no new cysts." I'm praying this cycle is it for you. But if not, you have a great, low-stress game plan in place.

  33. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @sarahnicole218: your doctor sounds really understanding too. I still so hope you are ku!

  34. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @Snowdrop: She is! What's cool is that she has three kids, all conceived through Clomid + IUI cycles...so she really gets it.

  35. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @sarahnicole218: Yay! that gives me so much hope too. I hope clomid + IUI is what we both need to get our BFP.

  36. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @sarahnicole218: there's no one understands infertility like someone who has been through it! 3 kids is my dream

  37. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @CupQuakeWalk: congrats on ovulation and FX for a sticky BFP!

    @sarahnicole218: congrats on a great appointment and future game plan should you need it. Lets hope not!

  38. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    My interview went pretty well. I should hear back next week about some specific details- pay, vacation, specific hours. Overall- no significant problems other than what I already knew, and I could probably choose which 4 days a week I work. It probably would work out best with them if I took M-Th, but there is a once a month meeting on Friday morning, so I am trying to decide how I want to do it.

    On the TTC part- I am probably O today, but DH is in a hot tub in California (work conference). We hit O-2, but the stress probably equals a no. Yet, I still get my hopes up.

  39. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: thank you!

  40. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: so you got it then?! Lot's of new beginnings for you two

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