cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@sarahnicole218: definitely stay active and keep us posted on your TTC plans
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@littlek: that's so awesome you are relaxed and feeling at peace with this cycle . I hope this is your month...close it out with a bang! But must feel so good knowing you can move on to IUI next cycle if needed
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
I'm still waiting for AF and will officially roll over then. Am I pathetic for still holding out and hoping there's still a chance? No spotting today so far but that's happened before. At least it's a beautiful sunny day - we're meeting friends at the park for a picnic play date so that will distract me for half the day.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@sandy: that's good AF is not here.. I was wondering how you were doing... fx she stays away! Have a great day and enjoy the weather!
persimmon / 1259 posts
@sandy: I feel like I am having the same emotions as you today! No sign of AF yet, so I have this stupid part of me that has googled charts who show temp drops and cramps and still got a positive. But then there is the smart part of me that KNOWS this isn't the month for us.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
I'm at 8 DPO and this is draggggggiiiiinnnnnnggggggg.... I'm ready for friday...
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@sarahnicole218: I'm so sorry for your temp drop. I may end up being an inadvertent cheerleader next month, too.
My Monday is getting off to a bad start. By nature, I am overly stressed and often overly sensitive. DH gets home from work around 7am or so. Sometimes I hop back in bed after working out and showering to just "hang out" with him for a bit. Good Morning America was on with a clip about how stress is linked to infertility. I was seriously being super positive, but then DH comments on my general stress. Cue my super-sensitivity. I will spare all the fun details, but the morning was a fail. Thanks, GMA, thanks....
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@littlek: I *hate* the part of the TWW from 8dpo-12dpo. hope it picks up as the week goes on!
nectarine / 2358 posts
@MrsMcD: Yikes, that's no good I can be a little bit of a stressball sometimes, too. I really have to talk myself out of it. DH is always telling me "Why bother worrying about something until it is something to worry about?" I'm like BECAUSE I NEED TO.
@littlek: Are you waiting until Friday to test? No early and often for you, huh? lol
coconut / 8475 posts
@Mrs.Panda: HELLO DH?!?!?! Because what else will occupy our insane minds? Worry.
I have a love/hate relationship with worry. I know it's bad for me but I can't let it go. Therpy needed? Maybe.
nectarine / 2358 posts
@CupQuakeWalk: I KNOW! I HAVE to plan every scenario and plot out everything that can and will go wrong and what to do in those instances. Totally not healthy and I need to stop, but I just can't. I work PRN for a psychiatrist so you would think I would have picked up some healthy habits lol. He knows after all this time I can not be broken so he's given up
@littlek: Totally get that. Good luck, FX for you!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@Mrs.Panda: I hear you on all that you are saying. I plan out my days to the minute and try to plan for my response when things don't go as planned. That's where I usually fall apart.
@littlek: I am really over the BFNs. I won't even test anymore. AF comes or she doesn't. That's what I wait for now.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@MrsMcD: Ugh to your DH. Men, I swear. I can relate to you and @Mrs.Panda:, DH totally doesn't get it.
@CupQuakeWalk: @sarahnicole218: FX for you both!!!!
@sarahnicole218: did you decide you would take a break after this for a few months before proceeding with next steps?
Temp still hasn't spiked, and I am CD17. I had a random low temp on CD13, so FF put crosshairs on that day. If I discard that temp, all of my temps are pretty consistent, so I don't think I O'd that day. It just feels awfully late on CD17 to not have a positive OPK yet... makes me worried I O'd earlier on CD11 when I had that random spotting... I wasn't using OPKs at that point since I usually O so much later.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@Crystal: Yeah, we had a meltdown a couple of weeks ago. We need to focus on each other and our marriage for awhile, we've gotten so wrapped up in TTC and it's caused us a lot of stress. Though, now that we've settled on the IUI option, part of me just wants to go for it next month, but I'm trying to stick with our original plan to take a couple months to ourselves.
bananas / 9229 posts
@sandy: Weekend was good! Just waiting for AF today... It's screwing with me now though. I had a tinge of brown stuff this morning, then nothing, then a streak of red when I wiped, then nothing when i wiped, and some more brown stuff in my pantyliner now. WTF? It's usually an all or nothing thing. This is so annoying. How are you doing??
bananas / 9229 posts
@littlek: Yeah, I tested Saturday and then didn't take it after that. So Friday night was the last time I took it. Usually AF starts 3 days later (so tonight/tomorrow morning) but last cycle it started practically the next day.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
Any new updates - POAS dates, etc.??
BFPs: ShayNanigans, Sprite, mtex14,
March 26: CupQuakeWalk, sandy, LindsayInNY,
March 27: sarahnicole218,
March 31: bhbee, mrs. tictactoe, littlek
TBD: Keppa, buttermilk
rollovers: doxielove,Boopers, AmeliaBedilia, Crystal, MrsMcD
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
FYI.. here's the new board for those rolling over...
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@sarahnicole218: ummm, I totally do that...obsessively analyze charts and compare with mine.
@LindsayInNY: seriously WTF is going on with the barely there spotting?!?! I'm in the same boat - spotting on Saturday morning when I wiped and then nothing. Nothing Sunday. And the slightest pink tinge this morning and nothing more. I hate this waiting game.
@MrsMcD: I totally have had those moments with DH
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@sandy: DH told me to just stop thinking. I responded "When and where would I do that?" He said "everywhere." This conversation is funny to me now, but it wasn't funny this morning. He seriously suggested that I stop thinking everywhere I am.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@MrsMcD: yeah, in the moment I was pissed that DH was basically saying that my stress was probably not helping things. It was over quickly but in that moment I was so mad at him
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
Wow! We have a lot of end-of-the-month POASers! I'm so excited for you all!!
coconut / 8475 posts
@MrsMcD: I know, right? It makes it more exciting because although it seems like the end, it ain't over 'til March is over. There is still hope!!
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
I had a big temp drop today, so I know I'm out. AF will be here any minute. Rolling over...
Hugs to all of you!!
bananas / 9229 posts
@sandy: Just peed again and nothing! Seriously?! AF should be arriving overnight tonight, if this cycle is like past ones. Usually comes after 3 nights off progesterone. But why all the teasing during the day?! Ugh.
ETA: Completely forgot about the temp drop today too...
bananas / 9229 posts
@Crystal: Yes and no... All my earlier cycles, yes, for anywhere from 1-3 days before AF started. Then I went on progesterone for the last 4 cycles so there wasn't any spotting pre-AF. I would stop it and 3 days later, AF would arrive into town full force. No sneaking around! This cycle I didn't take progesterone initially because I was having blood work done. So I had that 5DPO and started the brown spotting the next day (despite okay levels). On 8DPO, I called my doctor and got the okay to go back on the progesterone again. I only took it 4 days, POAS on 12DPO and after a BFN, stopped the progesterone. So AF should be here tomorrow but yet I'm spotting again. The only time AF came earlier than 3 days after stopping it was last cycle when I took it longer than usual. AF came the next day. So I don't know what's going on right now. Sorry so long! Hopefully it makes sense?
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LindsayInNY: Ugh, you poor thing. I hate it when our bodies mess with us. =(
bananas / 9229 posts
@mrs. tictactoe: I had the same this morning... What a lovely sign, right? =/
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
@LindsayInNY: it sucks, but I do like the subtle warning. When I don't temp, it's harder for me when AF just shows up.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
I almost can't believe it...I tested tonight and it's a BFP!
I got the go ahead from DH to test even though he is out of town. We just did it via FaceTime...not the ideal scenario but we just wanted to know and he's out of town for work. I was convinced it would be a BFN bc of the random spotting I had earlier. I was shocked when I saw the word "pregnant" pop up...I really thought we were out. I am so so so happy we finally got here but at the same time I can't help but feel for all of my friends here on the 6+ month thread...My biggest wish is that we could all graduate and move on together. I'll be stalking the 6+ board and waiting for your BFPs and cheering you on!!! You have been the best support during this process!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@sandy: I didn't even read your post at first, I was just so excited for you! Lol
I hope we can all graduate together soon, too!
kiwi / 656 posts
@sandy: stalking from the oct due date board here! Huge congratulations honey. What will your Edd be? Are you the first 2016 baby momma I've come across yet or a Xmas time baby? Eeek so exciting!
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