I"m so upset right now. I work in a school system and am about to have my second baby in about a month. I used all 12 weeks I was allowed for J and it took me to the summer--great-- but now I only have 8 weeks left after hoarding my sick days bc we can't afford for me to take leave without pay.
My wonderful coworker offered to donate a week of her leave to me, which will get me closer to my goal of taking September off in order to pay only 1/2 tuition for that month/be with #2 until she's 4 months.
I submitted to Personnel a request for a leave donation and I'm denied because I have enough leave to get me through 30 days after my "life changing event," thus not eligible to receive short term disability support!!!
I feel like I'm being penalized for not using my sick days!
That compounded by we're working a week later in June and starting earlier in August. I can't work during the summer (where I usually work an extra 10 days) because its in the middle of my mat leave, so I"m out a paycheck we count on. They just passed a two week paid FMLA leave for next school year that I KNOW they will find a way for me not to be eligible for.....
I just feel like I can't win. I don't want to screw the system I just want to be home with my newborn and not go broke.
Thanks for listening.