Hellobee Boards


May 2017 POAS

  1. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @bhbee: Ugh, sorry, lady.

  2. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    According to my temps and OPKs on Fertility Friend, I'm officially 3dpo and in the TWW. Gah!!!

  3. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: thanks! and to you! I'm ready to live vicariously through others for the rest of the month

  4. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @bhbee: I've been getting twinges on my right pelvis the last couple days that are now gone and my boobs tingle now and then. Trying not to overanalyze every little thing, but who am I kidding?!

  5. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @jhd: @Mrs. Oreo: Thank you!

    @Mrs. Oreo: Good luck with the TWW! Once I get to the point when implantation can happen, I drive myself insane paying attention to whether there are any twinges down there. We're all here to be crazy together

  6. YogiBeachWife

    cherry / 128 posts

    @periwinklebee: Wahoo! Congrats! 💜

  7. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @periwinklebee: SO happy for you!!! Way to start the month off right!

  8. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @periwinklebee: looking good, I hope this works out for you.

  9. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @periwinklebee: omg!! Yay! So happy for you

  10. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @periwinklebee: congrats!!! 💕 So happy for you and wishing all the best!

  11. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    Ladies why does ttc make us so crazy?? I mean I am a pretty practical person but it makes me batty. I am so out and yet I've spent so much time today googling ridiculous things. Because if I just google the right page I'll be pregnant, right??

  12. Coral

    clementine / 874 posts

    @bhbee: Seriously! Girl, you are not alone. I was looking up positive dollar store tests at 10 dpo and scouring countdown to pregnancy to see what the odds are that I am pregnant. I also found out that I only have next month to get pregnant for it to work with our work schedules (I'm a teacher.) Whoops...but I had the flu last month, so I now feel all this pressure to get pregnant. If I don't get pregnant next month, I will have to take the beginning of the school year off because our daycare doesn't take babies until they are 6 months old... Sorry, now I am rambling.

  13. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @YogiBeachWife: @bushelandapeck: @snarkybiochemist: @theotherstark: @2littlepumpkins: Thank you guys!!!

  14. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @Coral: I'm sorry about the schedule! That's tough. I am sort of freaking out about timing too. We have a bunch of solo trips (mostly dh work) coming up and I'm thinking we could miss 3 months in a row if we're unlucky.

  15. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @periwinklebee: I am so rooting for you! My oldest was born after two losses and got my bfp right after the second loss. It can work!!

  16. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    Good morning, bee hive!

    Just had an interestingly huge temp spike this morning, 2 hours after my normal temp time (forgot to set an alarm). It's been 97.3 the last couple days and this morning it was 98.4. Crazy! I'm more fascinated about this more than anything.

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend so far!

  17. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    I was already out but I'm calling it official today. Still spotting/bleeding and clear bfn.

    My fmu was way more concentrated yesterday and I'm guessing I must still have super low hcg hanging around that caused my faint lines. Probably a clear sign my body is not ready yet!

    I was sad yesterday but feeling better about it today. My goal is to focus on myself for a couple weeks and not on what's next in ttc

  18. Umbreon

    clementine / 854 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: I had something similar! AF never showed up yesterday. I don't really take my temps consistently at the same time because I wake up so much in the night but on average I take it between 5 and 6. I took it around 3am last night and it was 97.62 which is close to the previous temp. Then I woke up at 7 and thought they was closer to usual time so I took it and it was 98.03! I don't know what temp to keep.

    And AF should be here so I was expecting a drop. Maybe this is a good sign and the spotting has been throwing me off. I got up to pee at 7 so I'll see if I can wait another two hours before going and I'll take a test.

  19. Umbreon

    clementine / 854 posts

    @bhbee: I can totally relate. If DH looked at my internet history right now he would think I'm crazy. I Google every single symptom hoping to find someone who has the same thing who got pregnant because maybe that'll somehow mean I'm pregnant... crazy.

  20. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @Umbreon: interesting! I read that a change in when you temp can certainly cause a different reading, but still I had to google "4dpo temp spike" because I'm a lunatic. 😂 What dpo are you again?

    So far my only symptom now is my nipples are very tingly multiple times a day for about 30 seconds to a couple minutes. I'm hopeful that ovulation did indeed happen because I usually get this with O or impending AF.

  21. Umbreon

    clementine / 854 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: I've read that too but my charts have always looked normal and I have temped more than once per night with little difference. But that could be the case here. I'm like 16 dpo. I said I was 16 dpo yesterday but I think I was wrong. I've had spotting since 13 dpo but no AF and she usually shows up by now.

  22. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @bhbee: Thanks Sorry about AF, the first cycle post D&C can be so weird - yuck...

    I'm trying to just remain neutral - not too cynical and not too hopeful but I'm not feeling great about it. I was going to wait until Monday to test but took another cheapie (easy @ home brand, which is like wondfo) this morning. Yesterday it was a barely there shadow that I probably wouldn't have recognized if I hadn't seen a bunch of bfns, and today an equally barely there shadow. Even with my chemical, the test got darker between 11 and 12 dpo. I know they're cheap tests and not lab instruments - and I just need to wait until Wed or so to re-test with a FRER and hope it's darker - but that's what I told myself last time and turned out the not getting darker was pretty accurate.

    I'm at the airport now - going away for work for nearly two weeks, which means no betas (I almost never go away for that long but it was a good opportunity - but bad timing). I wish I could be home with my husband because it makes me feel better, but oh well... He keeps telling me that maybe it will be easy to stay pregnant once I'm traveling less (he thinks getting exposed to radiation from flying is bad), but I really doubt that matters.

  23. Coral

    clementine / 874 posts

    12 dpo and BFN so I am definitely out. At least I can have mimosas at mothers day brunch. I'll still hang around to cheerlead tho!

  24. Coral

    clementine / 874 posts

    @bhbee: I'm sorry. I actually had the same experience with my son-- two losses and a healthy pregnancy immediately after the second loss.

    Hoping next month is your month...I'm guessing your body needs just a little bit more time.

  25. Coral

    clementine / 874 posts

    @periwinklebee: I'm sorry for the uncertainty but you are right that hpts are qualitative and not quantitative. Since hcg takes 48 hours to double and dye can vary from test to test, everything could very well be fine. Today you are pregnant.

  26. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @Umbreon: I hope AF stays away completely!!

  27. Umbreon

    clementine / 854 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: thanks I'll update once I test!

    @Coral: I'm sorry. I hope next month is your month.

    @periwinklebee: I wish you the best of luck!

  28. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @periwinklebee: I think neutral is good. As someone who has taken who knows how many tests during both failing and sticky pregnancies, often alongside betas, I think frers are reasonably accurate in terms of darkening but you have to wait at least two days between to compare. For a cheapie I'd say longer than 2 days. You need a big enough difference to compensate for the lack of precision in the test. Of course the darkening isn't true for everyone but it always has been for me.

    So I totally get neutral but don't worry yet! I am sending you SO much sticky dust (we all are!).

  29. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @Coral: @bhbee: Thank you guys, you are the best.

    I am totally in the camp of being the rational person who loses all that when it comes to ttc. I know the hpts have a wide margin of error and yet I let myself get upset anyways. I think my instinct is to be really pessimistic to try to protect against the disappointment that still stings from my past losses but I know for my mental health the best thing is to just stay neutral. Thinking a pregnancy is going to fail feels awful, at the same time imagining too much how it could work I think makes it worse when it doesn't.

  30. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @Umbreon: Thank you, thinking of you. I hate it when bodies do weird things while ttc. Temp staying high seems like a good sign....

  31. Umbreon

    clementine / 854 posts

    I did a test and it's still BFN. At 16 dpo I feel like it would be positive if I were pregnant so I really don't have too much hope.

  32. Coral

    clementine / 874 posts

    @periwinklebee: Girl, I TOTALLY understand. Neutral seems like a very safe place to be in and definitely beats pessimism. I think I told you that when I first found out I was pregnant with my son, I was angry/indifferent and wouldn't even call it "a baby." It hurt too dang much to be excited. But you have all the time in the world to be excited ...whatever you need to do to preserve yourself sounds like a good plan. We are here for you in whatever works for you.

  33. Coral

    clementine / 874 posts

    @Umbreon: I'm sorry.

  34. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @Coral: thank you the support here is so amazing...

    @Umbreon: I'm really sorry

  35. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @Umbreon: Darn it

  36. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @bhbee: @Umbreon: sorry to both of you.

  37. YogiBeachWife

    cherry / 128 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: Good luck to you!

    @Umbreon: I'm really sorry.

    No twinges here... but the last couple days I've had random spurts of nausea. I'm usually not one to analyze my symptoms but... who has been pregnant before and experienced really early nausea? For the past three days I have felt random nausea during the day. Super weird! I know it's really early but I'm curious... maybe it's just the weather!? lol

    I'm currently 6 DPO and will POAS May 14th.

  38. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @YogiBeachWife: I do think it's too early to mean anything, but I get nausea pretty much every 2ww if i am paying attention. I think it's the peaking progesterone or something else hormonal.

  39. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @periwinklebee: sending all the sticky dust I have to you

  40. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Thank you I alternate between feeling ok and literally sick from nervousness. We had an early loss last month at just shy of five weeks, and I can't help but think three strikes and you're out, though I know it doesn't work like that...

    I hope things are going well! Have you moved yet?

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