
So, when I brought up the idea of getting an elective scan to find out the sex early, DH thought it was silly and impractical to spend $69 just to find out 4 weeks early. Turns out he booked the appointment weeks ago as a surprise early Christmas present!! He met me "for coffee" during a break between my classes and told me then! I couldn't believe it. We went to the place, they did the scan, and we asked them to write the sex down on a slip of paper so we could open in private-they gave us a good look at the baby and then had us close our eyes while they clicked away at the goods. We went to our fave lunch spot nearby and opened the paper. IT'S A BOY!!! I didn't have a hunch either way, but I am SOOOO happy and feel like it is so nice to be able to say "he" instead of "it." Now to start planning out the nursery! We are 14w6d today.

Here is a shot of our guy!