I was just curious to see if you had help from your SO during the newborn/infant stages in the middle of the night...
I was just curious to see if you had help from your SO during the newborn/infant stages in the middle of the night...
128 votes
nectarine / 2210 posts
Baby was breastfeed, so it was never for us. There wasn't really a need for him to help, especially since she went right to sleep afterwards almost all the time.
kiwi / 698 posts
Nope. DD was breastfed so I always managed the night wakings. Even now that she's mostly weaned, I tend to take care of them because she looks for me and gets upset if he goes in.
coconut / 8472 posts
We did a mix, depending on a lot of things. The first 6 weeks DH was on leave, so he got up and did the diaper change, then I fed. Sometimes in those early days I needed him checking things out to get a good latch or yo reposition things since I had a c-section. After he went back to work I mostly tried to handle them myself. It got easier at 8w when DS stopped pooping overnight.
For a while I mostly took care of the wakings, since I was breastfeeding. But I was oretty exhausted so sometimes I'd have DH get him and/or put him back in the bassinet. When we switched to formula it was a lot more hassle to do bottles so we'd both be up. Between 7 and 9 mo the we sleep trained and night weaned. Then the wake ups mostly stopped and we'd take turns with them.
pear / 1622 posts
If feedings were every 2-3 hours and I needed a break, DH would give a bottle in the early morning. Now with LO2 waking up only once in the middle of night, I always feed him. When I was sick though with mastitis, I got DH up with me to help.
grapefruit / 4321 posts
My LOs were both EBF so there wasn't much he could do. But he was always willing to help anytime I asked. After he went back to work and I was still on mat leave I tried not to ask for help at night since I could rest during the day and he couldn't. Now that I'm back to work I still handle most night wake ups but when the baby is awake but not hungry I tap my husband in.
pomegranate / 3921 posts
Like @AprilFool:, DH changed her diaper for me in the super early days and brought her to me so I didn't have to get out of bed.
When she was a little older, he stayed in bed until she wouldn't go back to sleep (which was often), and then he'd take over for me. He was always better at getting her settled down anyway. She hated for her food source to leave the room!
pear / 1930 posts
Once I was off maternity leave (6 weeks) I got everything until midnight, he got everything from midnight until when he left for work at 4. From about three months to ten months she woke up at 2 am and I only did that feeding maybe a dozen times while OH was sick or out of town.
persimmon / 1111 posts
Only once in the past 5.5 months and that's when we were dealing with a bad allergy related diaper rash. LO is exclusively breast fed and cosleeps/sleeps in our room, so there's no reason for him to get up. He'd be in the way.
persimmon / 1445 posts
DH only got 3 days off when DD was born, and then I breastfed so there wasn't a lot of opportunity for him to help out. He worked 60+ hours and I was a SAHM so I just took care of it. After I started pumping a little bit, he would give her the early morning feeding if I needed to take a break.
pear / 1558 posts
My DH didn't help with any nighttime feedings, but DD was ebf & I preferred to sit in the glider in the nursery, so even when DD slept in the PnP in our room, I'd take the baby into the nursery to bf, then we'd come back to our room. There was no reason for DH to wake/get up.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
I have handled most of it, and both kids were EBF. With our first I did almost all night wakings- we stopped changing diapers fairly early on and she usually nursed and went back to sleep. But if she had just eaten then I would have DH try to settle her- if I went in she would just want to nurse again anyway. Once she stopped nursing at night around 9 months I made him go in for a while on the nights she did wake up, so we wouldn't backtrack to nursing in motn again.
With our second he has done more- partly because I am so much more tired and I can't rest during the day between the two of them. Plus this one isn't as much of a comfort nurser. So if I nurse and then she won't go back to sleep I tap him in. Even though he goes to work and I'm home, I need rest or no one is happy. But normally I do it, pick her up, nurse, put her back down.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
DD is breastfed so I handle the majority of the wake ups. When she's up but doesn't want to eat DH goes in. He can't hear her cry so I have to wake him.
pomelo / 5573 posts
Yes, even now that he's back at work. W only eats once a night, around 3, so when he stirs before/after that my husband will get up to settle him.
pomegranate / 3779 posts
LO1 (Breastfed) - DH got up, changed her diaper and brought her to me to feed until we stopped changing diapers so much at night.
LO2 (Bottle fed) - I take everything before 3 am, DH takes everything after
papaya / 10343 posts
No, (almost) never while she was a baby. At first because I was breastfeeding. Then because she refused to let my husband rock to sleep EVER. He legit tried but it just didn't work and was so much crying it was not worth it to me. Plus I wasn't working so it didn't matter so much if I didn't sleep.
I will say that when she was going through phases of being loud at night but not necessarily needing help, sometimes he would be on "monitor duty" (keep it by his side of the bed) so he'd be the one to wake up to her and just let me know when she needed me bc otherwise I was up 20 times. And now as a toddler she goes down easier for him so if she has a weird night he handles 100% of the wake ups unless she is sick then we take turns. (Also now I work too).
pomegranate / 3113 posts
When she was a newborn, he would change her diaper while I got set up to breastfeed. Later, I would often pump and then go to sleep, and he would stay up for her first waking to give her a bottle. But if we were both in bed already, I handled all waking a from the time she was a few weeks old.
nectarine / 2465 posts
No since she is EBF, I also feel bad because he has to get up for work in the morning.
persimmon / 1196 posts
I handled the majority for the first six months. I was breastfeeding and we coslept, so there wasn't much for him to do. LO usually fell back asleep while nursing, but if she was awake/restless after feeding, then I'd wake him and he'd take a shift rocking her.
Since we've moved LO into her own room, DH goes to her if she wakes in the middle of the night. If I go in, then she wants to nurse right away, but often she will settle very quickly for him without eating.
honeydew / 7917 posts
I EP'ed with LO1, and DH helped with middle of the night wakings on the weekends. He would go in and give LO a bottle while I pumped. Then he would wash my pump parts afterwards. With LO2's arrival, we divided and conquered. He took care of LO1 while I focused on LO2 (easier since he was exclusively breastfed). LO1 was still waking up frequently and needed someone in his room every night.
If I could change things, I would have asked for more help in the newborn days with LO1. I felt like I had to do everything since I'm a SAHM. Yeah... don't be afraid to ask for help.
honeydew / 7230 posts
When our kids were tiny, DH helped a ton. I have twins, so we went through phases where I just couldn't do it all by myself because we were up so much. They were combo fed, but mostly just breastfed in the motn, but he would rock one while I'd nurse the other, do diaper changes, re-swaddle, etc. From about a year on, they only wanted me in the middle of the night for comfort nursing so anymore I handle everything in the motn. Sometimes if it's a really bad night and I've been up 3 or 4 times already I'll have DH handle a wake up, but usually it just means LO will cry for me until he or she wears himself out and then DH will finally get them down. Luckily, at 2 they sleep better, aside from when they are sick, so I usually only have 1 or 2 wake ups per night now.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
At the beginning , yes . We bottle fed so we did shifts.
As they got older and wake ups become more infrequent, I did 100% of them. I had year maternity leaves and he was working full time so it only seemed fair. That being said, if we had a particularly rough night he would come and take a turn .
pomegranate / 3658 posts
We EBF but in the beginning there was still plenty for both of us to do. I think for those very early first few weeks DH would do the diaper and bring her to me to feed her. As we went along we stopped doing MOTN diapers and then yeah for a long while the nighttime wakeups were just me hauling her from the cosleeper up next to me, letting her eat, then plopping her back into the cosleeper.
These days on the rare occasion she needs us in the MOTN, it's a toss-up which of us will get up to go help her.
eggplant / 11716 posts
yes always, even when I was BFing. He would change the babies, or get them back to sleep, or give them a bottle (pumped) for a feeding so I could get some extra sleep.
In my mind, it's not even framed as him "helping me" with night wakings--we are just both doing our share of night time parenting.
honeydew / 7622 posts
Yes unless he had a really early meeting or flight. He worked from home for the first six weeks on his bosses suggestion- so that was really nice. T was ebf for a year.
pomelo / 5258 posts
DH helped in the first week or so for both LOs. We EBF and I just preferred to have a rested husband over having help at night.
ETA: that sounds really martyr-y of me but I really just hated hearing DH whine about being tired when I was exhausted.
clementine / 856 posts
DH did most diaper changes, even when LO was exclusively breastfed. I'd often have to nudge him awake when LO woke up, but he'd get up, change the diaper, reswaddle, then hand him over to me to feed. It worked out pretty well. There were a handful of occasions when I didn't bother waking DH up and took care of the diapers myself. LO started STTN before we switched to exclusively formula, so I guess DH was pretty helpful in those early months.
pomelo / 5621 posts
DS was EBF and DH helped when asked.
In the first 2-3 weeks he would usually do one MOTN diaper change. For a couple months DS would wake early but in between feelings. DH handled all these wake ups.
Then DH was working out of town for a few months and I was home for a year. Since I could rest in the day I just did the wake ups.
Once DS was weaned DH would handle anything until around midnight and I'd take anything after.
Now at 3 DS usually only wakes if he's sick and we take turns, or we both are up.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
In the NB stage he was right there in the trenches. We took turns in 4-5 hour shifts when the baby was very small. At that time I was pumping, so we were both able to participate in feeding and changing the baby. It wasn't until I stopped pumping and exclusively breastfed that I took over night time duty all together.
papaya / 10570 posts
I bottle feed but I still handle all night wakings for both children. DH has given one night feed in 15 weeks. DH is a heavy sleeper and doesn't wake up unless one of the children is full blown crying, enough to wake the other. I, on the other hand, wake at the slightest snuffle..... it just seems silly to wake him up when I'm already awake.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
DD was ebf so he did not get up for feedings. The only time he gets up to help is if it's an emergency such as throw up in the crib or some other issue where I need him to calm DD while I attend to something else.
honeydew / 7303 posts
Yes! Always! I breastfed both babies, but as soon as they were taking a bottle consistently he would take over at least one night feeding. If they weren't on the bottle yet he would get baby and hand him/her to me in the bed.
pomelo / 5791 posts
With DS1, DH did all of the night wakings after the newborn phase. I'd say, once DS1 turned 3-4 months, DH did 95% of them.
We had planned a similar agreement with DS2, but he had his own ideas. If DH went in there at night, and not me, he would scream his head off until I came in the room. Once I came in, he would settle down. That was until at least 6 months old. It's better now that he's almost a year old, and DH has resumed nighttime duty.
honeydew / 7463 posts
I said rarely, but it's probably between rarely and sometimes. There was usually an explicit reason for him doing it, like I was sick.
In the very early days, I would go to bed really early and he'd do any wakings until midnight or so. I don't necessarily consider those night wakings since they are during our normal awake hours (i.e. he didn't have to wake up). But it was certainly helpful for me to get a nice stretch from 9pm - 3am or so.
And when LO was about 4 months he was waking once a night (on the verge of sttn), I got the flu. So DH took over then, until he got it (or he claims he got it . He didn't test positive like I did so I still internally roll my eyes when he says he had the flu).
I'm sure he also randomly helped here and there and I don't remember. But the vast majority was me. And I'm ok with it since I SAH. He's helpful in so many other ways.
ETA: I EP'd for the first month and then supplemented and eventually FF. So he was always bottle fed.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
Only if I wake him up to because I'm literally dying from exhaustion.
coconut / 8483 posts
Nope. He has a super stressful job right now. He sleeps in a different room while we have a newborn. I do baby wake ups (she's 3.5 weeks) he gets up with the toddler in the morning before he goes to work giving me an extra hour or so of sleep, longer on the weekends.
If I needed him he would get up, but I don't. It works for us! He tried sleeping in our room this weekend when we had company using the guest rooms. He left for the couch after realizing our newborn is the loudest creature.
ETA: both kids ebf.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Alba4: with our son he never helped and I got the feeling he wouldn't ... with our daughter he offers to help but I don't ask very often because I'm already up to nurse. Anytime I ask, he does help and sometimes he wakes up to ask if I need help
pear / 1593 posts
I bottle feed, and I do most of night waking during the week since I'm off right now (he helps out when things get out of hand, or going and making a bottle sometimes), and we split it up on the weekends. When I go back to work after maternity leave, he will help more during the week as well.
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