Over the past few months I've been experiencing an increasingly frequent amount of headaches/migraines (usually the latter). I went from getting migraines right before I started my period and when a front was moving in to getting them weekly, and now am getting them 4-5 times a week.
Besides some occasional spotting this is really the only side effect I've had so far (and I assume it's a side effect, because they started more frequently after I got the Mirena).
I've gotten much better at catching them when they're still in the growing pressure stage and taking something to head them off before I end up immobile in bed, but the catch is that I've been taking Advil or Excedrin Migraine almost daily, and I often end up feeling fuzzy after (depending on how early I catch it--if I wait too long I HAVE to lie down, and that's a problem with a 10.5 month old who doesn't have an off switch).
I've talked to my doctor and she said that she can prescribe me something stronger that will work faster (and hopefully not knock me out), but it's not breast-feeding safe. I'm still nursing, and don't want to stop when I'm so close to reaching my one year goal, but as the migraines come more frequently I am growing concerned about how much run-off painkiller he might be getting from me.
I'm starting to wonder if I should have it removed. I love the idea of it, and don't really trust myself to remember to take a pill everyday. But at this cost? I don't know what the right move is here.
Did you have any really undesirable side effects from your IUD or other birth control? Did you just deal with it or end up trying something else? What was your tipping point?