My 3.5 year old has a very strong need to suck when she's feeling out of sorts (tired, frustrated, nervous). She still uses a pacifier to settle down to sleep (and every time we tried to go without it, she tosses and turns and has a really hard time settling down because she doesn't have that comfort, so we left it at the advice of the doc to avoid a thumb sucking habit), and in the last couple of months I've noticed that she's putting her hands and toys in her mouth a lot more. I was worried about this when she was smaller - she mouthed everything in sight when she was a baby and was very drooly - but I let it be. She seemed to get out of the mouthing stage through her 2s, and now it seems to be returning again. She has no issues with eating, according to her pediatrician she's actually advanced on the speech development side, but I'm worrying given that she's getting older. She turns 4 in June and I've been waiting it out so far, but I'm wondering if it might be time to consult with an SLP or another professional about this? Would love any thoughts if anyone's gone through this.