DS2 clearly has mspi and it seems some other sensitivities too that we are trying to identify. Ive been off dairy/soy and egg and he has had another recent reaction to something in my diet. I'm getting very frustrated and unsure what to do. his symptoms are not super bad- mostly just mucousy and occasional bloody poops, but he is thriving, gaining a LOT of weight, and generally pretty happy. I'm hesitant to go on a TED, don't think o can handle it. But I'm ok being milk, soy and egg free for now. I also don't love the idea of giving up breastfeeding so soon ( he is 3.5 months). I'm wondering if this might work:

I'm thinking of giving him a non dairy/soy formula while At daycare (I would keep pumping for my supply and just freeze or donate). Then I'd nurse at night. I'd continue to cut out dairy and soy and egg and anything I notice is bothering him but not do a TED. I figure this limits his exposure to whatever is bothering him because the bulk of his milk would be coming from formula but I'd still get to BF him when I'm home. Is this a stupid idea?? I'm really hoping this is some kind of compromise solution. What do you think?