My son turns 2 in about a month and he's recently gone compeletely bananas about bedtime. We used to just lay him down and he'd go to sleep with no problem. Now, sometimes he will go down without a peep, then wake in the middle ofthe night and scream for two or three hours at a time. Sometimes even when we are in the room he's just carrying on and on. Last night he was screaming and yelling from his bedtime at 8 until around 11. We try everything: ignoring him, telling him to calm down on the monitor (he'll be standing up in his crib holding onto the rail jumping up and down like he's on a freaking trampoline), rocking him, sitting in there with him... what is heartbreaking is that he's old enough to talk so he's just sobbing "Mommy... Daddy.... Mommy..... Daddy..." It just wrecks me to listen to him.

We have a solid routine - bath every other night, pajamas, a cup of milk & a book, brush the teeth.... so that isn't it. And we're pretty consistent about the time we put him to bed.

One of my coworkers said his sons did this same thing and that he just thought that the brain was making connections and the kid was becoming more aware and they just freaked out a bit. That is was a phase that passed.

Any other thoughts? I am sleepy and frustrated. Maybe just "this too shall pass"? He goes to daycare and we both have full time demanding jobs so it totally sucks!