I am so frustrated right now, my husband came home from an evening out with our 19 month old and was in an awful mood because she's "too shy" and in his eyes it's becoming problematic.

At the playground she got scared when an older child climbed up the stairs after her and she jumped to him and knocked into the other child. Then at her music class she didn't want to leave his lap and apparently everyone assumed she was younger than the other kids.

I stay home with her and I am very shy, and during some phases of life it has been to the point of social anxiety. I think he believes her shyness to be my fault even though he's smart enough not to come out and say it. He keeps saying "we have to work on it" but refuses to offer a suggestion.

I'm so sad and frustrated. I pour my heart and soul into raising her, I research and do as much "right" as humanly possible. We take classes, go to parks and story time, we belong to a play group and a moms club, we see other kids her age nearly every day. I don't know what else could be done...