Hey ladies! I had my natural homebirth as planned and I just have to share because it was so perfect!!
I was 41+5 on Saturday morning when my waters broke. I was not having any contractions so my midwife and I decided we should go about our day and recap in the evening if things didn't progress. We set up DD at my in-laws, went to a brunch where I had (secret) contractions all afternoon, then back to their place & had a nap.
When I woke up it was supper time and the contractions had stopped. We were both tired so we both agreed not to go nuts and wait till the morning and see if I went into labour at night. DH & I put DD to bed, watched half a movie and went back home to bed.
Between 12-12:30 am I started waking regularly every 5-10 minutes with moderate contractions again. I started timing them at 12:30 and they were 2-3 minutes apart 35-45 seconds long. I called my midwife at 1:30 and she was here by 2:15. She set up her stuff with her student and then they went up to my living room to rest while I laboured downstairs. When I asked her if I called too early, she said it was early but not to worry abound it...
Well funny story, when everyone went upstairs my contractions picked up again. These felt more intense but I wouldn't call them painful. I started to have to vocalise through them. With every contraction, I visualised my uterus contracting effectively and pushing the baby out. For some reason that was really empowering.
With each contraction I would feel a mild sense of pushing at the end. I let my body relax and open with that urge. I thought to myself "this is what it felt like with DD when I was 6cm. She was born 90 minutes later. I can do this!"
After half a dozen contractions, this started to escalate and I was pushing hard and grunting. Everyone came downstairs as I passed a bowl movement.
When they removed my underwear I could feel the head descending. With a few pushes my son was crowning. At 3:45 am his head was born and another push his body was out! They stitched me up, filled out paper work and DH & I were asleep by 7 am. I honestly never believed a birth could go so smooth.
Wishing everyone as beautiful an experience as mine was