wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@SweetiePie: a few years ago I met a Destiny and she blew me away. That woman could total be on the Supreme Court. Her name association for me was way wrong. Now, if my own kid was name Destiny she may be destined for the polls. I get what you mean though.
pomegranate / 3231 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: SweetiePie's explanation is correct.
I tried to reply this afternoon but the computer ate my response and then work got crazy.
honeydew / 7463 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: yeah fwiw I don’t use/follow that rule because I don’t think a name matters in that way. But I have a friend who uses it so she explained it to me.
I’m sure a lot of people didn’t think the name Barack Obama sounded very presidential...didn’t matter much!
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
@SweetiePie: @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I fully co-sign that its essentially a racist old white man test, but as someone who has a very ethnic first and last name, (which then got additionally needle-scratched by the fact that I married a guy with a SUPER Irish last name), I just wanted to spare my kids the same hassle. My name gets butchered several times a day. Its misspelled, mispronounced, mangled, I get emails missed because they send it to the wrong address, its a huge PITA. I have to write my name out phonetically for any situation where someone has to say my name out loud in public, etc. etc.
I'm very proud of my heritage and definitely wanted it included in my kids' names, but I wanted it to be something they could easily pronounce and spell, again, for the comfort of basically white English speakers.
honeydew / 7463 posts
@gingerbebe: I’m so surprised because I know your name, and while it’s not one I was previously familiar with, it’s pretty damn easy/obvious to me how to say it! How do you spell it more phonetically than it already is?!?
But yeah, I get what you’re saying and why you’d want a simpler hard-to-fck-up name. I can’t relate since mine is pretty easy.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
@SweetiePie: Just this week, someone replied to an email chain (as in I'd sent and received 5-6 emails with this person and so my name was printed 8000000x on the chain, including my e-mail signature below EVERY email), and she responded "okay great, thanks Yolo!"
cherry / 202 posts
Mostly, just to sound good with the middle names we chose and our last name.
Secondly, popular enough where they are known names. I like to think my kids don't need a rare name to be unique and stand out. I was more concerned with being easily spelled and pronounced. But both my husband and I have popular names of our generation, so we kept the family tradition alive
Third, not offensive.
clementine / 874 posts
Most of my other ones have been covered (not too popular, Supreme Court test, sounding good, not rhyming, liking the nicknames), but I do have one that might be a little unique:
I want everyone to have a different initial. I'm planning on having a few kids and I only want to have to use one initial in any labeling, sorting or decorating that I do.
We are also going to have the kids named after historic epic figures. I want them to be able to do research on their namesakes and be impressed.
pomegranate / 3231 posts
Found out the babies are girls! So I definitely have to decide if popularity is a deal breaker. I have time but I don't really feel like sifting through more names right now. My husband doesn't have a strong opinion and basically just wants veto power.
Their middle names will be their grandmother's maiden names. Well, one will be a feminized derivative. I changed my name when I got married because frankly I do not like my maiden name aesthetically. But I was torn about it politically so I love this gesture. I do like one of the names more than the other aesthetically but it's just a middle name.
One of my first names coincidentally rhymes with one of the middle names so they will not be paired together.
Next question: How do I decide which twin gets which name?!
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