For the last three months, LO has been a great napper. Even during sleep regressions at night, she was a dream to put down for naps and would sleep quite a bit. (Please note that she was not a good sleeper naturally, but we really had to work on teaching her how to sleep and reading her sleepy cues.) In the past month, we've even been able to put her down completely awake and she'll go to sleep.
Until this past week.
She'd been having major problems sleeping at night, but she was still okay for her naps until recently. I can no longer put her in her crib awake. If i rock her to sleep and put her in her crib, she wakes up and screams. The other day she was awake for 3.5 hours before she passed out in the ergo. Today i couldn't put her down for her morning nap, and ended up having her sleep in my arms for an hour.
Is this a 6 month sleep regression? What's going on? I really don't think it is teething. I can barely get anything done, let alone eat.