For the last few weeks, really, C (almost 13 months) has been fighting her naps several times a week. It used to be that the morning nap was a given, but afternoon was hit or miss. Now she is even fighting that precious, wonderful morning nap.

I don't really understand. I'm timing things right, she seems nice and sleepy but not overtired when I put her down, then the crying starts. Sometimes in the afternoon I can nurse her to sleep but I have to stay with her, but more often than not she won't even sleep then.

I know she will be dropping to one nap soon enough, but I don't think she is ready yet. She didn't really eat much lunch today either, and I'm thinking teething but not sure, so hate to medicate....

I don't really think there is any advice to offer her, just.... it sucks. Anyone else have some really rough nap days around 1? Night time sleep, thankfully, is pretty much fine.