My 7 month old is going to put me in the nut house.
He's been on a flexible 3 nap schedule for a while now and while his night sleep isn't great (2-3 wake ups) it was semi tolerable. Last week, he started refusing his 3rd nap and being pretty hard to put down for his other two. He also went from sleeping a total of 11-12 hours at night to around 10. I decided he was ready to drop his 3rd nap and I went with a 2-3-4 schedule. The naps have been pretty good until today (+1 hr each) but night sleep has been a nightmare!!!! He's been waking every 3 hours and refusing to go back to sleep unless I nurse him. I think the last awake stretch of 4 hours is too much. Today, he woke up at 5:30am which threw everything off so he's getting 3 naps today. His first two were micro naps (30-40 min) and I'm currently holding him for his last nap.
He typically goes to bed between 6-7pm and will be up around 6:30/7. So naps the last few days were about 9am & 1pm for 1.5 hrs.
I'm at a loss. I'm not sure if he wasn't actually ready to drop his 3rd nap and I should go back. Or if I need to stick with the 2 naps and tough it out until he gets used to it. Or adjust from 2-3-4 to another time frame....this is so confusing. I just want him to sleep better at night
Please help!!!