So C is 21 months old. She's never been a great napper, but once we got her nap trained she was okay. She fights like crazy but once she's asleep, she sleeps for a couple hours. We switched to 1 nap at a year because she started completely refusing her afternoon nap.

She did fairly well on one nap. She would go down at 12, sleep for 1.5-3 hours and all was well. For the past 3-3.5 weeks, she will. not. nap. Like, will stubbornly sit in her crib and yell (not cry, yell and shout and play) for an hour or more rather than sleep. Ive just been going with it and continuing to put her down at normal time to keep her routine. She has taken 2 naps in the past week, but only for her dad and not for me. In this time, she has also started sleeping in super late rather than nap. Her night sleep has gone from 7-8 to 7-9:30/10. Ive been waking her up early and she still wont nap.

I read that this age is common for a nap strike. Please tell me Im not the only one here.... Im losing it.