How old is your LO?
How many naps do they take per day?
How long is an average nap?
How old is your LO?
How many naps do they take per day?
How long is an average nap?
blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts
Wagon Jr.
almost 3 years old (will be 3 next week!)
1 nap a day
1-2 hrs
Lil Miss Wagon
4.5 months
3-4 naps a day
30-70 mins, sometimes we will get a fluke 1.5-2 hr nap
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
4 months
5 naps a day
First nap 1-1.5 hrs
All other naps 20-45 minutes
(I've been keeping track).
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
11 months and one 30 min nap and one 15 minute nap. Anything longer is a fluke!
eggplant / 11824 posts
6 months old
3-4 naps a day
20-40 minutes per nap; usually 20-25 minutes, 40 minutes is rare.
coconut / 8299 posts
2 1/2 yrs old
1 nap/day
2-2.5 hours
4 months
3-4 naps/day
45 min - 1 hour
pomegranate / 3383 posts
9 months
2 naps
75-90 minutes for the first one and 30-90 minutes for the 2nd one.
blogger / pomegranate / 3491 posts
6.5 months
2 naps (occasionally 3)
length varies wildly from 30-45 mins to 2+ hours
kiwi / 640 posts
4.5 months
3-4 naps
30min - 1hr (at times 1.5-2hr, but can't count on that!)
kiwi / 691 posts
11.5 months
2-3 naps a day
Average nap is 60 minutes, but can anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours (that was a glorious day)
pomegranate / 3438 posts
8.5 months
2 naps
60-90 min each at daycare, 30-60 min at home. Wish I could extend them a bit at home!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
6.5 months
2-3 naps (usually only 2 at daycare, but usually 3 at home)
Vary in length - usually have at least one long nap of 1.5 hours and the other is variable. Could be 1.5 hours could be 30 minutes.
pomegranate / 3008 posts
21 months
1 nap when at daycare and 2 naps when at home
1.5-2 hours
GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts
8.5 months
2 naps
Morning is usually 2.5-3 hours, second is 1.5-2 hours
blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts
@buffalove: sounds identical!!! LMW has been napping now for 1 hr 45 min and I am doing a happy dance all over!!!
pomegranate / 3980 posts
My 4 year old takes one nap for 1-2 hours every day. My 5 1/2 month old takes 1 sometimes 2 for aboutan hour maybe 3 sometimes.
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
10.5 months
2-3 naps
If she's at home (where it's quiet), usually 1-1.5 hours
If she's at daycare, 40 min - 1 hr.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
My LO is almost 13 months and she takes one long nap in the middle of the day (usually 2 hours)...but she also takes "rest time" in her crib twice a day bc she is shows signs of being tired (yawning, rubbing eyes) but she never sleeps during this time but she seems to need the down time
pomegranate / 3388 posts
8 months
2-3 naps
*exactly* 30 minutes each -- I swear the child has a 30-minute nap timer inside her brain!!
--- Can I just say that I love this survey? I always feel like my daughter is such a problem child for not napping like a "normal" baby. However, the results from this survey seem to show that almost none of our babies nap like "normal" babies. I blame the so-called sleep experts for telling us how our babies are supposed to nap!
nectarine / 2964 posts
10+ months
2 naps
30-40 minutes if we are not napping at home, 1.5-2 hours if we are at home and he had a lot of activities before the nap. Sometimes I am sure he could continue to nap on if I let him but I'd usually wake him if he naps for 2 hours.
kiwi / 640 posts
@mrs.wagon: so lucky!! keep dancing! my MIL just told me that the dude is refusing to nap for her today, nothing longer than 20 minutes. could be a long evening for me! Is LMW having any sleep regression (a little off-topic)? Dude was randomly up at 4am last night....ugh.
admin / watermelon / 14210 posts
3 on Monday
2-3 hour naps
14 months
2 hour and a half naps.... would be longer but we wake her up otherwise she sleeps too much (i know a good problem to have!)
cherry / 106 posts
11 months
2 naps
30-45 min for one then 1-2 hrs for the other.
She was an exact 30 min napper for a really long time. We started sleep training at 3.5mths and it took till abt 9.5 mths to get one long nap consistently.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
I should mention my son used to sleep 30 minutes on the button too. From 4 months - almost 6 months. No matter what I did.
blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts
@skibobrown: this is EXACTLY WHY I did this survey. I come from the land of the multiple hour nap since Wagon Jr. is older, so when LMW wouldn't sleep for more than 45 mins at a time I was going insane. Then I went back and realized that Wagon Jr.'s sleep was EXACTLY like this when he was her age (he just had shorter awake times). Goodness gracious.
@buffalove: of course I totally jinxed it (total of 1 hr 45 mins) but I don't even care!! Still dancing as she's up and sitting next to me good luck with your potentially ugly evening
I don't know if LMW has had any "regressions" per se... she's been on and off ever since she was born. She'll go down without a problem for 2-3 nights, then be up crying every 30 mins until around 10pm for 2-3 nights. She's been pretty consistent about waking for a night feeding any time between 2-4am, but goes right back to sleep afterwards. But last night she did wake up randomly at midnight and growled at the ceiling for like an hour straight. Never cried, just screeching and growling! It ended up being fine (we fed her at 1:30am and she then slept all morning).
She has also randomly slept thru the night a couple of times but not for a week or so!
blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts
@winniebee: again, letting me know that LMW's sleep is NOT unusual!
bananas / 9118 posts
11 months (today!)
2-3 naps
30-60 minutes each, a few times a week he can go 2+ hours, but I never count on that! If he goes on the 30 minute end, we have 3 naps; otherwise 2 naps for about an hour each.
I still notice that he gets tired after about 3 hours of awake time, but is so interested in the world that I can't usually get him to go down.
Great survey, definitely makes me feel more normal!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@mrs. wagon: LOL I read your posts and think she is a GOOD napper compared to how my Tyler was at that age! We never even had the flukie long nap!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@skibobrown: My mother always makes me feel like my son's sleep is abnormal! T had the 30 minute alarm clock for naps until recently. And didn't STTN much until recently.
coconut / 8299 posts
@mrs. wagon: She just started napping like that because she's been waking up several times at night! I'd rather have short naps with long overnight sleep than the other way around.
blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts
@banana: oh man. Yeah, WS reminds me whenever I complain about a 3 30 min each nap day that hey, at least she's sleeping long stretches at night and only waking up once. Don't worry! Sleep regressions are temporary! just repeat after me... temporary... temporary... temporary!!!
blogger / pomegranate / 3300 posts
4 and no naps (stopped at about 3 months shy of three)
3 year old twins no naps (stopped before they were two)
14 months 1 15 minute cat nap and 1 30-60 minutes nap in the afternoon.
Blessed with four beautiful children, cursed with four horrible nappers.
pineapple / 12234 posts
DS: one nap a day 1-2 hours, age 3.5
DD: three 1 hour naps a day, just shy of 6 months
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