My daughter has never been a napper. In the last month or so she's finally discovered the joy of napping.

For about a month she was going to bed around 8/830 sleeping through until around 8 am. Then she would have about a half hour nap at 10am. ( from about 1 month - 7 months she was sleeping approx 11 hours at night straight through with no scheduled naps during the day. She would just nap in the carrier if we were out.)

Now she is going to bed at 730/8pm, waking up once randomly during the night between 2-530 where she will want to eat for about 5 minutes then go back to sleep. She is now napping from 10am-12pm then again from around 230-330 ( I wake her up at 12 and 330.) I'm not sure how long she would sleep if I didn't wake her up. Is this a normal sleep routine? I'm curious why she's suddenly napping so long during the day. What's your napping schedule like?