Yesterday I had my 20 week ultrasound and got some bad news...the doctor thinks the nasal bone is under developed possibly indicating downs syndrome. We are devastated and confused. Because I was one week over the age of 35 when our little boy was conceived I have had all of the additional testing which of course included an NT scan and blood test. My NT scan results were great and based on the combined data I came back as at 1 in 5,402 risk for downs and 1 in 10,000 for tisomy 13/18. We were thrilled with these results until yesterday. Everything seemed to be going well at the exam until the doctor came in. At first he said everything looked great and he was just going to look at some more complicated parts of the heart flow and organs. He did and pronounced everything still looked great. He moved on to my 1st tri scan and mentioned that had looked great too and I assumed he was wrapping things up and pronouncing our baby healthy when he slipped in there in a casual "oh by the way" manner that our boys nasal bone appeared abnormal. He was so non chalant about it and I had to press him for details (of which I found out later I still didnt get enough) After pressing him we found out that there was a non-invasive blood test we could do that would tell us with 99% certainty what we are dealing with. Of course we said we wanted it. We went and had the blood drawn immediately after the appointment but the results can take up to two weeks to come back. We are devastated, confused and worried. The doctors attitude towards the whole thing along with the fact that we have been told absolutely EVERYTHING else looks normal makes us not want to worry but then there isnt a ton of info about this out there and everything I have read says this is unusual to have in a normal baby. There doesnt seem to be a lot of information about this test out there which is even more frustrating. At this point both my husband and I are incredibly stressed and scared. Waiting two weeks for results is pure hell as well. No matter what happens we are going to love the heck out of this baby but seriously! Good way to cause a new mom and dad some serious stress! We are both a mess