I have just had one of those days. LO (14 weeks old) used to be an awesome sleeper, but about 3-4 weeks ago that changed all of a sudden. Now she fights naps, and if I'm lucky I can get her to take a couple 45 minute naps a day. Now she also fights bedtime. It takes an average of 1-1 1/2 to get her to fall asleep for the night. I don't have it in me to do CIO, and I've tried everything else we can think of. I know she's exhausted, but she refuses to go to sleep! And once she is asleep, she usually wakes 2-3 times as soon as I put her down, before she finally stays asleep. It's extrememly frustrating to me to feel like I'm doing something wrong, and that I can't help her. I feel like I spend such a big amount of our day together trying to get her to get the rest I know she needs, and I feel like I'm missing out. Tonight it finally became too much. She just wouldn't go to sleep, and became more and more fussy. I got so frustrated with her and myself that I had to just put her in her crib for a few minutes, shut the door, and walk away. And it made me feel horrible. I know she's too small still to understand, but she looked at me like she didn't understand why I was leaving her there and not helping her. After about 5 minutes, I went back in and rocked her and cried until she FINALLY fell asleep, because I felt so bad for getting frustrated with her. I just need to know that it's normal to feel like this sometimes, and that it will get better.