I go back to work 1/4 after mat leave. I like what I do and overall my job is very family friendly - pretty good amount of sick/vacation, they're understanding and it's no problem if I need to leave early/come in late for a doctor's appointment or family issue or whatever. So I feel like in the long run this is probably a good place to be.

But I have kind of a long commute and when it's all said and done, I'm going to be gone about 7:45-5:45 or 6pm. I don't think I want to be a SAHM but I have just realized that being gone 10+ hours a day is not going to work for our family. I cannot do it. My son is 4 months old and has a lot of GI issues- severe reflux and possible delayed gastric emptying - basically he cries and cries and just vomits all the time. We have a lot of doctor appts, his GI is sending us to see another specialist because he is not getting better.. I don't feel like I can be away from him so much with him being sick. I don't want to be away from him 10 hours a day, every day, no matter what age he is, even if he's healthy, but especially right now... I just can't do it.

I don't want to quit my job but I feel like I can only do it if I can cut down my hours (go part time) or work from home a few days per week. Part time is probably not an option.

I am trying to decide how to approach this. This week most of my office is on vacation for the holidays so I can't really call or talk to anyone until I go back on the 4th. Do I suck it up and go for a few weeks and then bring it up? Or do I go on the 4th to talk to my boss and be frank with her? We have a good relationship but I feel really guilty about this. I feel like maybe I should have talked to her about it earlier, but I thought my son would be doing better by now.

If you did this, how did you approach it with your boss? I am thinking I need to have a few ideas ready for her (like, WFH Monday/Wed and in the office 7:30-3:30 TTF, or whatever). And, I guess I need to think about what I will do if they say no. We could swing it financially although it would be tight. More importantly is that I'd be stepping away from my field which would make it very difficult for my future career.

If you did this with your job, how did it go? Were you successful? There are other people in my office who have young children and they all work the regular schedule (although, I don't know that any have asked and I have a longer commute than all of them).
