Hellobee Boards


New Maternity Leave Policy

  1. Ms.Pumpkin

    apricot / 435 posts

    @swurlygurl: I know! I work for the Federal Gov't, and I get absolutely zero paid leave for maternity. I get FMLA, and I can substitute my accrued sick and annual leave in order to get paid, but that's it.

    18 weeks paid mat leave sounds so amazing- and they're very, very smart. I know LOTS of people (including myself!) who would feel a lot of loyalty to a company that had such family-friendly policies.

  2. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    amazing! so glad to hear this

  3. Ginabean3

    pomegranate / 3401 posts

    Wowza! Awesome!

  4. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    Wow, that is awesome. I might have stayed at my job if there had been better maternity leave.

  5. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    Whoa...I am so totally jealous!

  6. Ms.SK

    apricot / 498 posts

    I have to say I am still in shock over this announcement! I would rather not post my company online but I will say if one of the big four do something the other three usually follow suit!

  7. reverie

    kiwi / 661 posts

    Are you in the US? Color me jealous

  8. MrsBeluga

    apricot / 442 posts

    @Ms.SK: fellow accountant here, can you please let me know which firm you work for... With dd1, I got a whopping 5 weeks off...

  9. rrachael

    kiwi / 506 posts

    This is amazing! I'm so happy for you while very jealous at the same time


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