Our son is going to be a Jr., with a first name like Edward, with tons of possible nicknames. My husband goes by the long version, Edward (not really his name but I'm just using it for an example). So everyone knows him as Edward, rarely does anyone call him Ed or Eddie. He never uses Ted, the family member he was named after used Ted, so it was easy to differentiate. When he was younger, he used Eddie, and in high school, Ed, before deciding that Edward was preferable.

We call our unborn son Junior. My husband loves that our son will be named after him and giggles every time he says Junior. We've called him Junior for quite awhile now.

A couple of family members have said that we can't call him Junior, that he needs to use Eddie or he will get confused when he goes to school. My husband and I have talked about it and agree that once he goes to school, Eddie is probably a better nickname choice. But for us, Junior is such an affectionate nickname and we don't really want to change but we do worry he will be confused.

Does your LO have multiple nicknames? Do you worry about them getting confused when they go to school?