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NIPT Positive for Trisomy 21: Looking for experiences of others

  1. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Ugh - just got home from my appointment with my RE, and apparently whatever this 3 days of bleeding is, it isn't AF

    He did another US to check things, and the retained stuff is still in there. He put the color-flow doppler on over the endometrium, and there's lots of blood flow, so it's still "very active." Plus the corpus luteum he saw on my right ovary is still there and unchanged. If I actually was ovulating a week ago, that should look different by now. I had bHCG and progesterone drawn again today, but the results won't be back until around 8 or 9 tonight. If the bHcG is the same or up, it definitely means D&C. And of course, my RE is going out of town next week. If my beta is down, it just means more waiting.

    Emotionally I am so frustrated and disturbed that my body physically won't let me move on from this last pregnancy. Even 8 weeks later, my body still thinks it's pregnant. There's something just so sad about that. Selfishly it's making things more painful, but it's like she's begging not to be forgotten or something. Of course we wouldn't forget her, but for our own sanity and health of our marriage, we just need to move on.

    The worst part I was so excited to see what I thought was AF again this morning - but last night there wasn't much, and I worried I'd sounded a false alarm. I even entered my AF dates into FF and Glow. Now here I am with a false alarm and an app that's going to be assuming all kinds of stuff that's wrong.

  2. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    Trying to get pg 6 to show up...

  3. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @yellowbeach: this is just the worst. I'm so sorry. I hope things move on soon

  4. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    This glitch bugs me so much.

    Ugh. So sorry this is still dragging out for you.

  5. Chuckles

    persimmon / 1495 posts

    I'm so sorry that this is taking so long to resolve. Why can't our bodies know what's going on? Not the same, I know, but i started spotting this morning like 30 minutes before my scheduled D & C for a missed MC. I was like, body are you fcking kidding me?

  6. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @yellowbeach: I'm so sorry. So, so sorry. There's no part of this that doesn't suck. I really hope it clears up for you soon.

  7. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    I'm so incredibly sorry this is dragging on so long. Big Big hugs!

  8. LabradorLover

    kiwi / 548 posts

    @yellowbeach: I’m sorry. Hang in there!

  9. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    So my bHcg is down from 78-->47, so that means I don't need a D&C. My progesterone is down 10.5-->2.2, so maybe I just had some weird bleeding prior to real AF. I hate this rollercoaster.

  10. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @yellowbeach: Crappy roller coaster, but, going the right direction!

  11. Chuckles

    persimmon / 1495 posts

    @yellowbeach: at least you're heading the right way and get to avoid the D & C. I hope this means AF will be there soon! Wishing you the ability to move on to the next steps.

  12. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Just spent the last 5 hours in the Emergency Dept with my LO. She's had a fever for >4 days and hasn't been eating or drinking well the last two days, and then this morning had decreasing urine output. Since she has a VP shunt, we can't exactly ignore fevers that don't go away. We got a battery of tests (shunt series, blood cultures, basic labs, cath urine, etc), all of which were negative, and eventually she decided she wanted to drink some pedialyte and eat some yogurt. She's upstairs sleeping now, but I am spent.

  13. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @yellowbeach: I’m so sorry. When it rains it pours seems like. I hope things look up soon

  14. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Just a little update... still trending my hcg out of my system... had a level drawn today, and hopefully it'll be gone soon based on my not-so-scientific excel chart with only 3 data points

    My RE needs to come back from vacation STAT! lol

  15. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @yellowbeach: So once the HCG is gone, does your period start or is it straight to tracking for ovulation? Like I know you ovulate before you have your period postpartum, and I assume it works the same... But just curious.

  16. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @Sams Mom: Well, that's a good question. I'm not sure my RE and I are convinced this last 5-6 days of "flow" (really heavy spotting) was a true AF or not. I *think* the plan is to now monitor with weekly hormone levels and USs to see what the hell is going on in there. Not sure though - hence why I want him back from vaca

  17. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Schedule for a repeat HcG on Tuesday which I hope will finally be 0.

  18. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Bad news: Hcg today was 17. On the bright side, I did connect and made an appointment with a counsellor that specializes in infertility and loss. I see her next Tuesday, in the afternoon, after I should have my repeat HcG and potentially know a plan.

  19. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Just a little update with good news for once
    🌈 5dp5dt of a PGS normal embryo 🌈

  20. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    Congrats!!!!!!! So happy to see this

  21. Chuckles

    persimmon / 1495 posts

    That's so amazing! Congrats!

  22. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    Oh hooray!! Congratulations!

  23. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts


  24. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @yellowbeach: Congrats! Amazing news!

  25. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    congrats so happy for you

  26. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts


  27. Mrs. Goose

    pear / 1737 posts


  28. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    YES!!! Congratulations!!

  29. Mama Bird

    pomegranate / 3127 posts

    @yellowbeach: congratulations!

  30. LabradorLover

    kiwi / 548 posts


  31. Littlebit7

    nectarine / 2243 posts

    @yellowbeach: this really made my night. Congrats. Its been full circle on this thread and this is just so so sweet to read.

  32. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Thanks everyone. I felt so lost and so stuck weeks ago during these posts, I'm not truly over everything that's happened, but now I feel I have something positive to focus my energy on and close the last chapter and start a new one.

    Sincerely, I do want to thank everyone for their support on this thread, especially @labradorlover who went through the same thing right before me and was really open, honest and so helpful in getting me to be able to share my story.

    I realize I'm in no way out of the woods, but this is such a great step in the right direction.

  33. pachamama

    nectarine / 2436 posts

    @yellowbeach: oh my Lord I am so happy for you. I felt like you were so positive about this one and things were gonna work. What strength you have. Everything aligned and I am so so thrilled. Let yourself enjoy this xoxo

  34. LabradorLover

    kiwi / 548 posts


  35. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @yellowbeach: congratulations mama. I am sorry I wasn’t online more to offer support a few months ago. I also TFMR and it was such a tremendously sad point in my life. I wish you all the best with this pregnancy.

  36. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Ladies I’m worried this one might not be sticking. Beta is on Tuesday.

  37. pachamama

    nectarine / 2436 posts

    @yellowbeach: A girl in my FB group had a superrrrrrrrr slow start like that. It took a really long line for her to even get to control dark, like 2 weeks! But it did work out so ya never know! fingers crossed. So hard these early days of not knowing.

  38. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Ugh and just like that this is definitely not my rainbow 🌈. Either AF or a MC presented herself for sure this morning.


    Thanks for all the positivity. It’s nice to know so many others are rooting for me in this journey.

  39. tinyperson

    pomegranate / 3858 posts

    @yellowbeach: So sorry to hear that!

  40. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @yellowbeach: I’m so sorry. Repeat losses are just a beating emotionally. Big hugs

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