As many of you know, Xander had a rocky start to starting solids and it took us quite a while to really get into it. But as of last week, he's had 1-2 solid meals a day and seemed to really be enjoying it.

Well, over the weekend, we weaned him of his dreamfeed, so I've been sending a little extra in his bottles to daycare to make up for it. Since then, he's refused to eat ANY solids all day. But he's also teething... so I'm not sure if he's not eating the solids because he's not hungry (each bottle has 1.5 oz more than before) or because he's teething (top two teeth are starting to come through) or if there's another reason!

Any thoughts? How did teething affect your babies eating? Do you think the extra milk in his bottles is making him too full for solids?