I started reading the Oh Crap book since it's so well received and loved and I'm a bit freaked out by it. LO is 28 months and not really showing a lot of readiness but the book's idea of "how is she going to be ready if she doesn't know anything about it" made sense to me. So I kept going and read about the method and it feels incredibly aggressive to me. I'm not sure if I'm just not ready for this myself (which I understand I need to get over) but I'm really worried about forcing the kid into something she's not developmentally ready for and creating more problems down the line. She's curious about the potty and has even used it a few times (once by asking herself, right before bathtime), but beyond that, she's perfectly fine with diapers, doesn't care if she's dirty, doesn't ask to be changed (and in fact resists changes), and doesn't really sit very long on the potty unless we read to her or distract her in other ways.

Am I being too sensitive? I admit I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to "training" in anything, but I don't want to miss the boat on a good time frame either and encounter even more resistance.

Also, do folks have recommendations on other readings about potty training? I don't really consider Brazelton valid given his connection to Pampers, but if others have found other books/readings useful, I'd love tips.
