So, I'm 40+2 today, no signs of labor. At my 39 and 40wk appt, I was 90% effaced and 1% dilated, with baby's head low and engaged (same thing??). Everything was good. Cervix favorable for induction.

We discussed induction at both appts, which I'm totally fine with - I want this baby out & healthy sooner rather than later, I don't care about interventions. Originally at 36 weeks the OB was talking about maybe inducing early due to size, and then at 39 weeks he said he wouldn't "let" me go up to 41 weeks, then at 40 weeks he started talking about the weekend (40+4/5) because the hospital was busy. He said he'd email me that evening, he didn't. I called his office on Wednesday, he was on call and didn't know the induction date. They said they'd call me back but didn't. I called today (Thursday), they still didn't know. Finally at 4pm I got an email saying that the hospital is very busy so my induction is booked for 41 weeks.... and technically that's just tentative, because "active labor patients take priority." I am SO frustrated because I feel like I was told one thing and he did another; and the finish line just keeps getting pushed and pushed into what I consider dangerous territory. I have a lot of pregnancy anxiety due to loss and infertility and it is growing each day. He knows this.

Anyway, my last appt was on Tuesday (40 weeks) and I have no more appts scheduled, even though I'll be going up to 41 weeks. This freaks me out. I want to call and ask for an appt tomorrow but I don't know if that's ridiculous. It would be my only chance to see my OB before my induction.

I think it would be good idea because I want my blood pressure, urine, and baby's heartbeat checked for healthiness. I also want my cervix checked and maybe he could do another membrane sweep. Lastly I REALLY want to discuss my concerns about his preference to use Cytotec over Cervidil (I tried bringing this up at 39 weeks and he downplayed my concerns, and I didn't explain myself well enough.)

Is it typical / normal to have another appt between 40 & 41 weeks? Do you think if I called and asked for this tomorrow, it would be too pushy?

I have been frustrated to the point of tears every day this week due to the miscommunication and lack of an induction date, and honestly I'm kind of upset with my OB at this point which is not great timing.....

Sorry for how long this is