Hellobee Boards


October 2016 POAS

  1. MrsD2442

    cherry / 111 posts

    @Banana330: sore to hear about bfn

    @Mrs. Blush: good luck with everything!! First time trying is always exciting!

    Just a quick update: I'm going to meet with my doctor today to discuss IUI and/or finalize our "game plan" from here. Hoping she eases my nerves as I'm set to O this Sunday and have no idea what she'll say, which makes me so anxious! In the mean time, I had hoped to BD last night but DH had a headache. Oh well, we'll try again tonight.

  2. Ttckp

    apple seed / 1 posts

    Hi ladies! I just discovered this website and thought I'd join in the wait.

    Cycle Day: CD22
    TTC Cycle: 4
    Ovulation Date: Oct. 2
    POAS Date: Oct. 14
    Baby #: 1
    What's up this month: I finally got a positive OPK so I am happy with our timing.

  3. MommySLP

    apricot / 431 posts

    I'm 9 DPO but I have absolutely zero symptoms so decided not to test today. I may tomorrow, but really don't feel pregnant. Bummed because I think our timing was decent this month. I'm on cycle day 34 too, which is frustrating since I've always been so regular. I guess I'll just keep plugging along! Hope everyone gets good news soon!!

  4. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    @jhd: You never know. After 17 mos of charting and well timed BD, no issues on workup with RE, I didn't chart one month because I was out of town for the entire fertile week, BD once on either O day or the day after (based on previous cycles) and got my BFP with my first 8 days later!!

  5. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    @Petitduck: OPKs have never "worked" for me, I tried them for a few months at consistent times but never felt like I had a positive, I eventually gave up and just used my temps.

  6. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @shellio: good to know! I'm a regular night time wake up to pee person so I'd have to do it at 4 in the morning or something for temps to be accurate I feel.

    Did try one with smu this morning and surprisingly it was a clearer second line, but now I don't know what that means because it is still definitely.m negative. Wish I'd tried this earlier time earlier on. Oh well!

  7. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @Tionn3: did one at 7 this morning which counted as smu for me. Was a clearer second line but still a negative. So, interesting anyway!

  8. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @shellio: thanks for your encouragement! funny how things sometimes work out when you least expect it.

  9. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @Ttckp: welcome!

  10. BeatlesFan629

    cherry / 187 posts

    @Ttckp: Welcome!!

    Well I'm 5dpo now and trying really hard not to symptom spot. Especially since I know it would be very rare for me to be showing any symptoms this early. Anyway, I just blew my nose and I saw that a little blood was on the tissue. I NEVER get nosebleeds (except on the very rare occasion of the air being really cold/dry- which it is not). So of course, now I'm back to googling what this could POSSIBLY mean and overanalyzing. Ugh - love the TWW

  11. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Lurking and maybe will be POAS later this month. We weren't planning to try this month, but weren't careful, either. We had a devastating pregnancy loss 4 months ago and neither of us have felt ready to try, but had talked about trying later this year. My due date would have been in a few weeks, so the timing of all of this is scary and strange. So, I'll be following along and trying to figure out whether I want that test to be positive or negative in 12 or so days

  12. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    We still have lots of ladies for a BFP!

    Congrats to our BFP's [:bfp:] **msmilkshake, MrsF, tequiero21, Winnie13**

    Oct 5 - Tubbs
    Oct 9 - Cole
    Oct 14 - MommySLP, Ttckp
    Oct 16 - Tionn3
    Oct 17 - JHD
    Oct 18 - Ottilie
    Oct 21 - BeatlesFan629
    Oct 24 - jaybee28
    Oct 25 - Mrs. Cotton Candy
    Oct 26 - Petitduck
    Oct 27 - MrsD2442
    Oct 28 - Knittylady
    Oct 31 - Mrs. Blush

    Cheerleaders! - Bibliolove, yellowbeach, bizwitch

  13. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @cole: @Tubbs: Any updates?

    @Ttckp: Welcome!

    @MrsD2442: That sounds promising. And you still have lots of time to BD if you're Oing on Sunday!

    @winniebee: Welcome. Sorry for your loss. It's can be very difficult to tease out all your feelings after a loss like that.

    @MommySLP: I think next cycle i'm not testing before 10 dpo.. drives me too crazy otherwise.

  14. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @winniebee: lurking and wanted to send

  15. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @winniebee: thinking of you, and will be checking back often

  16. Tubbs

    olive / 67 posts

    @winniebee: thinking of you. It must take time. xx

    @banana330: cd40 and still testing as negative. It's only ever happened to me twice before in the last few years so AF has to come tomorrow! No symptoms at all but not even normal AF symptoms either which is strange.

  17. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Tubbs: ugh.. that does suck. Fingers crossed AF shows up soon.

  18. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts


  19. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    Sorry I kind of ducked out for a few days. I'm definitely out, I think I should be able to test again right at the end of the month though. My mom's club just had like six people announce they are pregnant and it's brutal. I am genuinely happy for them but honestly I feel kind of left out which is semi absurd because it's not like they are excluding me, it's just life. We have my daughter's birthday party this weekend and then next week is the window to try again so it's a nice distraction followed by a time where I can do something proactive. Plus, being in the early days of pregnancy during her party would actually probably suck!

    @MommySLP: fingers crossed for you! Good for you for holding out on testing!

    @Ttckp: welcome! I hope you're not in the group long!

    @BeatlesFan629: I get it! I was so hopeful because the grocery store reeked of fish at 6dpo, now that I know I'm not pregnant I also know never too buy fish from that store!

    @winniebee: his to you, I'm sorry about your loss, it certainly makes this process scarier.

    @Tubbs: fingers crossed something happens soon! Preferably a BFP!

  20. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @winniebee: ❤️ Something you said really stuck with me about you don't see your story ending with heartache. So much ❤️ and light your way.

  21. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    It's been forever since I've been on HB, but I want to jump in!

    Cycle Day: CD9
    TTC Cycle: 1 (officially, I went off BCP 3 months ago and have been hoping for something to happen before hand, but I think my cycle is now starting to be "normal")
    Ovulation Date: Oct. 13-15 sometime (I'm being super relaxed about tracking!)
    POAS Date: Oct. 31 (could be later. I'm being optimistic )
    Baby #: 2
    What's up this month: Celebrating my birthday, just went on a weekend trip to DC
    Halloween: DS hasn't decided lol.

  22. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Thanks everyone

    @Banana330: I'm going to try to wait for my period to come on 10/26. Ha, wait, who am I kidding? Anyone who knows me knows that I'll be peeing for days before that

  23. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    We still have lots of ladies for a BFP!

    Congrats to our BFP's [:bfp:] **msmilkshake, MrsF, tequiero21, Winnie13**

    Oct 14 - MommySLP, Ttckp
    Oct 16 - Tionn3
    Oct 17 - JHD
    Oct 18 - Ottilie
    Oct 21 - BeatlesFan629
    Oct 24 - jaybee28, winniebee
    Oct 25 - Mrs. Cotton Candy
    Oct 26 - Petitduck
    Oct 27 - MrsD2442
    Oct 28 - Knittylady
    Oct 31 - Mrs. Blush, pmerr, Cole

    Cheerleaders! - Bibliolove, yellowbeach, bizwitch

  24. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @winniebee: I put you down for the 24

    @Cole: I understand our house has been chaos this week too! I've put you back down for the 31.

    @pmerr: welcome!

    @MommySLP: @Ttckp: Are you both still waiting until tomorrow to test?

  25. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @winniebee: 💙💙💖💖

  26. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    I just had day 3 bloods taken, so hopefully everything will check out alright. I'm not even sure exactly what it should tell them I'm just glad it didn't end up lining up with the holiday monday and having to miss testing this month!

  27. MommySLP

    apricot / 431 posts

    @Banana330: I tested this morning & got a BFN at 10 DPO. So I think I'm out. I'm also on CD 35, which has never happened in my life. I have a feeling the IUD messed me up & my cycles have just been crazy. I'll update when AF shows.

  28. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @MommySLP: sorry about that. I've had three cycles post IUD now. Mine were 36 days, 26 days and 29 days.. I finally feel like maybe i'm back to a regular one now. I'm hoping 4th cycle will be the lucky one!

  29. MommySLP

    apricot / 431 posts

    @Banana330: this was my fourth cycle. The first two were 28 days, the second was 33 (but I had a chemical) & now we're at 35 with this one. Maybe the chemical messed me up. I think we may take this next cycle off---we have a Disney trip in 6 weeks. I thought I'd be pregnant & not be able to ride much but now that it's this close I'm thinking it may be worth skipping a month to make sure I can ride everything!

  30. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @MommySLP: could be the chemical then. I'd skip a month for something like that...

  31. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    I started spotting this morning, so I'm pretty sure I am out. At least I won't be cramping on my actual birthday (Sunday). I'm just getting used to the disappointment month after month that I'm starting to feel numb. Is it really normal to take more than 6 months to conceive your first?! I know they say a year, but like really? Does that include people that are just messing around and not having timed intercourse?

  32. ottilie

    cherry / 143 posts

    I feel like this month was a waste, because I was really sick during my ovulation period and so we had to wait a few days. Ugh, I hate when I know that timing is bad, but there's nothing I can do about it!

  33. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Tionn3: It's pretty normal. It feels super painful, especially when people get pregnant their first go.

    Of my friends i'd say 60-70% it took more than 4 cycles, maybe 15% of those went to other interventions and the rest got pregnant very fast.

  34. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @winniebee: hoping for continued healing for your heart.

    @Banana330: I'm going to move mine to the 29th instead. Got a blazing positive opk this morning. And it's the morning of an event with alcohol if I make it that far without a period. Cd 19 pretty late to get a positive I feel so it may shift everything further I don't know.

  35. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @ottilie: I feel you! LO and DH both got HFM this month and DH was out of town for a week. Definitely hard when things you can't control mess up your timing.

    @Tionn3: sorry about AF. Do you have any plans for your birthday?

  36. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    @jhd: My friend and I are going to get manicures this weekend, I'm thinking maybe something fun for Halloween. It will be a nice distraction I think.

  37. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @Tionn3: that sounds fun!

  38. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @winniebee: I hope your trip added some smiles to this month. Are you home?

  39. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @Cole: It's so hard when friends are announcing I had a lot of that at work in the past few months.

    @MommySLP: That's hard. It took about 5 months for my cycle to regulate after the ICU this time.

    @Tionn3: I'm sorry

  40. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    We still have lots of ladies for a BFP!

    Congrats to our BFP's [:bfp:] **msmilkshake, MrsF, tequiero21, Winnie13**

    Oct 14 - MommySLP, Ttckp
    Oct 16 - Tionn3
    Oct 17 - JHD
    Oct 18 - Ottilie
    Oct 21 - BeatlesFan629
    Oct 24 - jaybee28, winniebee
    Oct 25 - Mrs. Cotton Candy
    Oct 27 - MrsD2442
    Oct 28 - Knittylady, Petitduck
    Oct 31 - Mrs. Blush, pmerr, Cole

    Cheerleaders! - Bibliolove, yellowbeach, bizwitch

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