My LO will be 5 months next week. We thought we were lucky because she sleeps through the night, but a few people say she is sleeping too long. She goes down at 8 everynight and gets up bwt 7-7:30 with no feedings in bwt. During the day she will take 2 naps though they are usually about 45min-1hr. Occasionally she'll sleep longer but not very often.

At her 4 month checkup her doctor said she needs to gain more weight (she was 11lb 13oz) and wants us to give her an additional 2 oz from a bottle after I nurse her (I pump so I've been able to have the bottle be my milk as well). She gained 6 oz this week which is what the dr. wants but a nurse told me she's sleeping too much at night and wants us to wake her up at 10:30 to feed her.

I mentioned this to my sister and she also thought we were putting her to bed too early. She thought it should be closer to 10. But LO goes to bed great without fussing so are we ok putting her down at 8? So confused!!