There has been a few times lately where I will tell my 3 year old she can or cannot have something, I'll go about whatever I was doing and then I find out DH said the opposite. It's not about one of us not respecting the other, we just didn't know what the other had said, or that LO even asked one of us already. I don't really blame LO yet because she just turned 3 so I don't think she really understands quite yet.

Here is an example" "Mommy can I have a snack?"
"After dinner you can, but not right now"

5 minutes later DH is getting her a snack out of the cabinet. So then once I notice I have to tell him what I already told her and then LO gets upset.

Does anyone deal with anything similar? Any advice on a way to better communicate things like this so we don't run into these issues?