Hi ladies - I have an OPK/TTC related question. This is my first cycle taking the CBE OPK tests. I've been taking them first thing in the morning since CD5. I'm on CD16 on an avg 29 day cycle and still no smiley face.
Then I started reading some of our HelloBee board threads about how the LH surge is best measured in the afternoon and that I should be testing 2x a day? And if that's the case, is it possible I've missed my LH surge? And how some people have lower LH surges that may not trigger a smiley face but still ovulate just fine?
I know I still have a few more days and have started testing morning and afternoon...but wanted to see everyone else's experiences with this OPK/LH surge stuff? There's so much to learn!
I gave in and also bought a CBEFM so I'll start using that next month...I heard only good things from my friends who've used it so I figured why the hell not? I'll start temping and paying closer attention to my CM as well. Woohoo!
The Hubs just laughs at all the contraptions that have invaded our bathroom
Thanks for sharing your stories and for listening to my newbie TTC rant, I really appreciate it!