I'm posting anonymously. We are currently in a really sad, emotional situation. Last night, our dog bit our toddler.

We had our dog long before baby. Our pup has always been a really sweet dog. He doesn't love being on a leash when other dogs are around, but otherwise he's great.

We did notice some growling when our son would approach him (when he was in his space), but we would just say, "It's okay, be gentle!", and redirect baby away from the dog.

Last night, our kid walked over, got on all fours to crawl, and approached the dog's bed. We heard the dog growl, then a snarl and a bite. Thankfully, we couldn't even tell if the dog actually bit our kiddo (no broken skin), but this morning, our son has two little bruises on his forehead from the dogs front teeth. It was a nip. Of course, the whole situation was really dramatic. Baby was screaming, my husband threw a book at the dog, and hit him. It was horrible. We are animal lovers, and truly love our dog like a child. That said, now that our dog has shown aggression towards our child, it all feels different.

This is bad! Our baby didn't even touch the dog. I'd say he didn't even provoke the dog, but I have no idea what dogs are perceiving.

Has anyone else experienced this? I hate to even think about having to re-home our pup. It could have been an isolated incident, but what if there's a next time? Our dog is big, and could severely harm our baby with one serious bite. I understand that last night was likely a warning nip, but where do we draw the line?

For anyone who feels like we should just put the dog down with no question, please be kind with your answers. That's not the solution we're hoping for, and this is the hardest decision we've faced in our marriage so far.