I am so frustrated. I'm 39 weeks and for the past 3-4 nights I've been having pretty painful contractions - enough to wake me and to keep me from falling back asleep, and I feel like I need to do the labor breathing to get through them. They only happen at night and almost completely die away during the day. This means I haven't really had more than an hour or so of sleep for the past 3-4 nights. It's actually 4am right now and I just completely broke down and started sobbing. I know I won't be getting any sleep once LO arrives, but at least then it will be for a reason. Has this happened to anyone else?? I thought maybe it was gas, but I've taken stool softeners and a laxative and it didn't help.

Also, I've lost a few big chunks of my mucus plug over the past week and keep losing more each day. After many of the contractions, I usually get a small gush of discharge (gross).