Doctor's appointment in 3 days for my 24 week checkup~
Since last night, I've been having a feeling of pressure down there, sort of like a dilated feeling. It's more bothersome when I stand after being off my feet for a while and both times I've experienced this it's been at the end of my day (being on my feet/chasing and p/u my toddler all day..).

Does this sound like a normal thing at this stage of the game?

I never had Braxton Hicks with my lo. So, I looked up what that should 'feel like' ...and what I'm experiencing is nothing like what I read. It's not really contraction like, it's more along the line of a swollen/dilated feeling. Last checkup, my placenta was low and I get a follow up to see if it's moved in 4 weeks. I feel as if I'm carrying very low with this one.
Any tips or advice..? Thanx