Goes to me...
DD is only a week old and already the following has happened:
-I was giving her her first bath at home and this stupid bath tub we had (I have since thrown it out and bought a new one) started collecting water near her head on the other side. I had no clue. She turned her head, breathed in some water, started choking/not breathing and just as I was about to use the bulb syringe, she started coughing. Took her to urgent care and they said she seemed fine but to look for signs of secondary drowning. Everything seems fine with that.
- Just now, I was going to feed her in the recliner, propped her on the pillow and was about to unsnap my bra when she somehow (I don't even know how!) rolled over and landed on the floor 2 feet below (yes, I measured.) I think she landed on her tummy, but it all happened so fast I am not sure. Called the ped and he told me what to look for, but that she was probably just fine.
There is no reason for this other than the fact that I am feeling like a negligent/ craptastic mom right now.