We received an invitation (FB event) for my nephew's 3rd bday party. My SIL only invited grandparents, Aunt (my sister), DH, LO, and me. It is at a local park almost like a zoo, but more animals like deer, goats, rabbits etc, that you can feed. After we are going back to my parent's house (closer then their house) for pizza and cake.

She just sent an evite on FB and it says that the admission is $8. I am assuming this means we have to pay our own way. I am guessing they can't afford a party, since they didn't invite the rest of the family, includes 2nd cousins his age. I am going to assume they are buying the pizza and cake.

Would this annoy you?? I feel like that is something they should be paying.

We are going to do regardless and the cost isn't an issue for us, but I feel like it the principal. If you invited someone to a place like that for a birthday party, then the host should pay.